I walked in to our offices and was greeted cheerfully by This! Special Agent Jack Friggin' Sparrow!
Almost wet myself laughing. Truly a fine young fellow, but the context, and the fact that I'd forgotten that this was All Hallows Eve, just got me Rolling. So there you have it.Yes, I did a black to protect the "not so innocent".
Lil' Wolfie had an after school spaghetti event, so I joined him for his schools' Traditional celebration. No, I have NO idea what the hell spaghetti has to do with Halloween either........but the cubs enjoyed it.
Instead of the cubs spending the night up with me, I dropped 'em off at Mrs. P's around 1830 hrs so they could reap their treasures from "friendly" territory. (they know where the "Good" stuff is).
Lil' Wolfie needed a bit of help with his get up......He had a skeleton outfit with skull, and decided to jazz it up a bit witha checkered dish towel. Remember the vid I linked? Yup, cub's got that sensa humor.
"Knock knock, knock.......Trick or Treat!.......I KEEEEL You." Maybe he needs therapy. Or I do.....cracked me up.
Bigger has about outgrown the Trick or Treating......age wise, anyway. I told him that at 15, it was 'bout time to start "giving" candy rather than getting it. He didn't have a costume anyway, so I figured he'd hang at his momma's, or maybe walk around with Lil'in civvies.

Well.......Wollf was wrong. Bigger had found,(in yet another "box 'o my stuff"), my Ghillie suit. Fits him? Ummm, Not.
I'm what you might call an unspectacular physical specimen, six feet and about 185 pounds, so your standard issue 15 year old shouldn't be "swimming" in the suit.
But.......Bigger Wolfie is about 8 inches shy of "standard". Runs about 5-2......
Heh, cub is not imposing. He was All excited though. Wearing Wollf's Ghillie, disappearing into the landscape, looking like a Bush Monster.
ROFLMAO!! Shrubbery.......hell, Miniature Shrubbery is more like it. Oh Jeezers does he look Great. I frigin' wanted to pot him and set him on the Gazebo.......
Sorry, had to take a breath.
No, you don't have to take me to task. I DID NOT let him know how "cute" he was. I was entirely......well "mostly", serious while helping him get the thing on properly, all the while answering.....or parrying, his numerous questions about the "history" of his "costume".
So....it was an enjoyable day all in all, except that I couldn't bear to stay too awful long at "my" house.
Besides, it's Halloween. I was a little spooked myself by the walking, talking mini shrub....and of course the "Terrorist". What kind of "terrorist", you didn't ask, but realize by now that I'm going to tell you?........Why,
A Terrorizing Teritz, of course. Please give him candy.
I KEEEEL You........
Give treats. Enjoy the kids, and watch out for the turbaned skeleton and potted plants....they might be mine.
Happy and safe Halloween.