
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Where were we?........

Oh right. Scars.

We weren't? Well to bad. That's what popped into my head. I personally have quite the lovely collection. I laughed myself silly at a scene from (I think), one of the Lethal Weapon sequels wherein Mel Gibson, the semi-suicidal Cop meets and beds a Lovely Lady.

What they have in common is their scars. "Oh, and I got "this" one during a night drop over Afghanistan". "Oh", she coos,"I got "this" one in an addict roust gone bad".......Ok, maybe you had to be there.

You're holding your breath aren't you? Wondering if Ol' Wollf has a cogent point or if he's just enjoying a little ADD walk around the park.

Well, too bad for you, I do have a point. I have got Scars. Not your run of the mill, anybody can snag one at the local surgery center, either. I've sometimes thought of naming them after Celestial Bodies. You know, "Yup, this is a good one. Got it taking a knife away from a slightly enraged Mexican fellah in Tucson. I call it Pamela Anderson".

Oh....the cogent point. I have physical scars, and like everybody, I have my share of emotional scars too. This latest chapter of my life is going to definitely leave a scar. But not a big, ugly red one.

Nope, I decided about three months ago to take it to the best psychic scar surgeon on the planet. Myself. I think it's healing nicely now. I had a bit of a moment last night, but I thought about it a bit, put a little bit of introspective salve on it, and voila.....much better, thank you very much.

Like I said last night, It's much more like the Ocean than a roller coaster.

And I think I've just spied land.
I hope there's no spiders there. They give me the heeby jeebies right now.

Ever been bitten by a "Camel Spider"? It's actually a Solpugid, (sp) or Sun Spider. The American Southwest is teeming with the B$%trds. They're aggressive, nonpoisonous, but Wow they hurt, take an actual chunk out of you, and leaves......

A nice scar named MrsP.



Rambling Rose said...

I think that anyone who is not still in their prime can picture the bedroom scene quite well - got quite a chuckle out of it, I did. It's a good thing that, in later years, we find deeper levels to connect on(even in that most intimate of rooms)than the fascination we had with each other's bodies in our youth - or maybe we still are fascinated with each other's bodies - and the scene unfolds.

Linda Sue O'Grady said...

I was always oh so fond of the scene in Jaws, when they were drinking on the boat, and bragging about their scars... and Hooper tapped his heart and said... "Mary Ellen Moffat. She broke my heart."

Rose said...

There's one in Raiders of the Lost Ark, too.