Actually, what a weekend. Mrs.P., of course was out of town. Man, I could start on that but I won't.
Cub, both lil' and big....and even the she-cubb spent a lot of time with old Wollf.
Great and fun times were definitely had. Ended with a four hour hike out into the wilds.
Wanted to show Bigger what kinda waterfalls we have around here. Pretty sure he won't be taking Lil wolfie out to swim in this one. Really beautiful country we hiked.
Tell the truth, it friggin wore me out. Both the cubs are in better distance shape than me. I covered by "enjoying the scenery". You ever hear me say that on a hike, you can be ever so certain that it's tiring me out a bit. Heh
That picture at the top gives you an idea of the place we went. That speck is Bigger after rock climbing up the side of the cliff. I'm really lovin' my new Sony SLR camera. I'll be posting more and more of my stuff as I blog. We got back and polished off a whole fried chicken, tater salad and coleslaw. Nice late lunch.
Eff mayonaise. Never liked it, Never will. To make a great coleslaw Or tater salad, you Have got to use Miracle Whip. And throw in some raisins for the coleslaw.
Note to self: Besides all the Other things that I'm going to require in a mate, add Miracle Whip in the fridge. It's right G-Damit next to the Mayonaise at the market. Doesn't take a whole hell of a lot of effort, and it might just show Me that you care enough to reach two bottles over on the shelf and spend an extra three bucks.
And although I don't drink, quit snaggin' my wine. Maybe I just like the dam bottle.
Aaagh, I'm tired, took off the muggle patch and "saw" her when I dropped off the cubs. Didn't say much of anything to her. Didn't have much to say that I felt compelled to share. She wants to talk to me....her text messaging fingers can also dial a phone number.
Jeezers, I'm in a rare mood. I'll cut outta here before I work myself up. Just no sense in it.
File me under "D" for Done.
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