
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Well, so much for another fine day............

I just plain, friggin' do Not understand that woman. Somebody, Please hit me with with a cluebat until I Get a Clue!!

Ladies and Gentlemen who have gone through this, my total Empathy is with you. When is enuff finally enuff? Right about now in my case. No, for once I won't bother you with the details, But Jesuit Priests in a Bear suit!!

Hurts my heart. Hurts my brain. Boyo, such fun it shall be. Chill Wollf, gotta be there for the cubs. They're gonna need both parents.

I was really hoping to write something fun this evening.....but so goes life. It's 'bout an hour til sunset and I think I'll take a little hike. If I get any good pictures, I'll share. Mebbe 'll feel a bit more blog enthusiasm when I return. Mebbe not.

Be good people in the mean time.

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