Well.....it all started out innocently enough......a trip to Hard Rock Miami.....it's quite the resort, Hotel, shops, museums......Casino....we decided to go at Bears' request. He heard that you could put your head in a real alligators' mouth for ten bucks......
They didn't have any alligators small enough to accommodate "only" Bears' head....
The Experience left the poor little guy rather traumatized.....so we took a break at the Renegade Bar and Grill, ate some real deep fried Alli tail and had a couple brews. That's the alligator tail in the dish.......Truth about what it tastes like?
EXACTLY like rattlesnake. I'd spit out chicken if it tasted like this "tourist treat".
Oh, they don't feel compelled to "card" Bears in Florida......big glass of beer for a little Bear.....and you know the old story about drinking beer through a straw......
Next thing I know, the little guy is getting out of control, sayin' "Hey" to everybody we pass.....This rather Ghe Native Amerind seemed to take a liking to Bear....offered me a Beaver for him.....I didn't take him up on the offer.
I mean, can you imagine a grown and dignified Man such as Wollf hauling a Beaver around with him? Ridiculous.
Then, because......well, to tell you the truth, I think the little guy was feeling the effects of the beer......he walked right up to this nice retired couple and climbed right up on the park bench beside them to take a nap....
I apologised for his forward behaviour, retrieved him and set off for downtown.
I shoulda let him sleep it off. Warning to all, don't let your Bear drink Beer. It's a motto to live by.....Because I lost sight of him, I hear a yelp of surprise, and see that he has made another new friend.......You can't take that bear anywhere....
Yah know.....come to think of it.......it might just be the same for Wollf. She was quiet, didn't say much at all, but I could tell this one kinda liked me.....
Tomorrow.....walking around South Beach during Spring Break......Was Wollf Ever as goofy as these kids?
At least Bear socializes with REAL people - heh, heh!
Dispatch coming in:
The vote is in from the Bear Academy of the Arts and Entertainment, you win the Bear Paw Approval Award. Plague on the award says, "You like me, you really, really like me".
Eat your heart out Sally Field.
end transmission
Hey there Ms. Thing! I swear, everything you do sounds like a good time! I really wanted to swing up your way this week but things got a little... um... a little er... well. I guess I've been just a little busy this vacation. You know me :)
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