Remember....Melancholy ain't all that bad.....where I was raised, and with my Grandfathers influence and teachings, it basically means...."Touching and feeling difficult things"......make sense?
We all have to do that if we are to move onward in our appointed paths....period. My "Understanding" is that although we do Have free will.....Somebody Greater than us has a "Plan"......we can decide to stray from the "Path"....all is well and good, but I personally believe that most things happen for a reason.
And then there is "Tradition"......the tradition of the Elders....like Catholic Mass, like lighting the Candles at Shabbat Dinner.....or personal, new traditions...
Like I did tonight.....like I've done for the last four years.....like I'll do for the rest of this Life of mine.
Silly, you might think....but I sing "Danny Boy" on or about Saint Patricks Day every year. Not to myself and quietly, but rather loudly, and to all that can hear.
It Honors my Eldest Daughter Heather....great Name to be sung "Danny Boy", don't you s'pose? She loved it. It was the last song I heard at her Funeral in Chicago....it makes me cry. I don't cry very often.
It just so happens that my favorite "hang out" was having a silly "karaoke" night tonight....and instead of just singing to the Sky.....I had musical accompaniment.
An Eighty year old Lady, with a voice like an Angel, sang with me.......we've known each other for years........
I know that it made "H" happy......I sing fairly darn well.....my Elder Lady friend added just the touch. I didn't share this "need" of mine with the Ones I care about because it's not about Me.....it's just sumpthin' that I do, yannow?
Couple People remembered from last year, when I just sang.....with no music. Guess it touched them too, yannow.
I am Happy. Just plain Happy....mostly...wait'll I tell ya about the new "Bachelor Pad" for the Cubs and I.....Hooo Haww, it'll be a time....
Love you all...."cept you, Leonidas.....unless we get to share a drink...heh
I can't think of a better way to honor a fallen warrior, Wollf.
a great tradition. God bless you, Wollf. You're a good man.
I second every thing that was said above. My heart salutes you!
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