Wollf took Bigger Wolfie to see the Great Mans Library.....actually, we really did see the Library itself.....three floors down, armed guards, a personal Escort. Ninety Five or more percent of People visiting see the Museum.
I had business and clearance to go down, and knew that Bigger would have fun "going where no Man has gone before....". He thought he was James Bond, for crying out loud.
It looks like this.....
Yes, that is an EXTREMELY long hallway......and all filled with unimportant "Looking" stuff like this.......
We had a Great time....and better yet, I think that I was able to stem the insidious tide of Liberalism that has been creeping into his young skull full of mush.....heh.
Ok, I cheated....who can resist the allure and charisma of the Great Communicator?
So, what did we do, you didn't bother to ask.....I mean on the Public Floors....we can't speak of the below ground stuff....well, we saw this....
Yup...Air Force One...and this......
Marine Corps One...oh, and the Oval Office with all of the Original Furnishings and decorations.....
It made the Cub more contemplative than usual....he had to take a moment to let the tide of Conservatism flow over him while gazing out on Reagan Country.....
But heh.....even though I've "Been There, Done That"....I always take a moment of reflection there myself.....I mean, "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this Wall!!"....who doesn't get a little chill at that?.....
Very seriously, if you are ever in the area....don't miss the Reagan Library. If you're one of "mine", I'll take you myself. It's a stirring experience, and a testament to a Man that by G-d did his best.
Next up....a ritto rinda rinda that I found....good stuff.
G-d Bless America and her Allies.
Wollf....oh, and Bigger Wolfie too.....
Wollf, as a Reagan Youth myself I have been extremely remiss in not making the trip up there. The parents have and they loved every minute of it... except for the bus ride but that's a whole 'nother story. Sounds like you and your son had a great time. Thanks for the pix and for sharing. What a great man he was... and is.
WOW! I mean....really WOW! So, who exactly are you Wollf? Backstage passes to a presidentail library no less......... Hmmmmmm
I'm not old enough to remember him, but ANYONE who can impress my mom AND my grandmother, as well as charming said grandmother (he winked at her when he went to thank the cooks after a fund raiser when he was running in Cali) has got to be one of the most impressive men I can think of.
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