Betcha won't see this report of the State of our Volunteer Army spread around on the Main Stream......Simply wouldn't do to acknowledge Success.
In December 2006 former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell warned, "The active Army is about broken."
According to Army statistics obtained exclusively by FOX News, 70 percent of soldiers eligible to re-enlist in 2006 did so — a re-enlistment rate higher than before Sept. 11, 2001. For the past 10 years, the enlisted retention rates of the Army have exceeded 100 percent. As of last Nov. 13, Army re-enlistment was 137 percent of its stated goal.
Never did care for Powell's sense of self importance. As difficult as this is for an old Jarhead to say......."Go Army"!!
Thank You, FOX News.
I think a large part is the "F* You" response.
Soldiers watch news.
News says they're pathetic loser children who are either murderers or too stupid to make decent decisions.
Soldiers look around, notice a lack of drooling idiots, and sign back up.
As it deals with Warriors, I read a "comment" somewhere linking to this post....."The Greatest Generation, Part Two".....
Damm Proud of our Men and Women....
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