We toured the museum home of James Deering.... Vizcaya .... Beauty and splendor beyond imagining. The grounds were spectacular. Bear couldn't stay out of the Banyon trees.....
I shot twenty or thirty photos on site, absolutely great place for photography, and I'll toss a few out there that struck my fancy....including this one.....
Go ahead, click it to enlarge if you want.....the plaque says...."Garden For The Blind"........This "Garden" is tucked way back in one corner of the huge estate, there are NO flowers. None. Nada....El Big Zippy.
Who in the Eff thought that this would be a good idea for an endowment? It's a frigging Lawn Fer Chrissakes! Bordered by lovely Granite tripping hazards and sharp edges......The Frigging Sign isn't even in Braille!
To get to it you have to walk about two hundred yards through and over uneven steps, through "Real" gardens and the smells and sounds and textures that are all along the way......to get to a lawn.
Any of you Folkes have a Visually Impaired friend that's going to Miami? Make sure they don't miss this......NOT.
Aaagh....I have to cut this short because "Blogger" isn't letting me upload any pictures for the moment. This is a kick back day....recovering from adventures....so I'll be writing a lot. When Blogger allows, I'll add pictures and post
Do check out the Vizcaya website if you you'd like.....HERE
Back in a bit with Bear and the Alligator....a harrowing experience.
By the way.....I am having a Way too good time.....
Wollf Wollf Wollf
Lighten up...you are on vacation remember? Recognize the humor in it...then LOL. geez....you just aren't very good at vacations yet.
aah don't listen to HER ^, you're going great for a geezer on an adventure! it's your job to point out the weird and goofy and inane things in a new habitat!
the other part of your job is to BLOG about it! that makes US happy!
I'm glad you're having a good time, the postcards are great, keep 'em comin'!
Oh my Oh my Oh my
aa is correct.....I forgot what your "job" was.....sorry for being thoughtless to your blogging community. Not to mention, that I see the glass half-full all the time...
hey its me haley ......do you have any better pictures of your son???=D i am kinda curious...oh hows florida? ohkay byeeeee...
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