Oh my friggin' Goodness......I seem to have done it again. Insert large furry Paw directly in throat.....bypass mouth and go directly to choke myself......
Yah see, I just stopped in at the Market that I frequent....heck, I almost live there .......owned and operated by "christian" Arabs....which by the way actually probably means Agnostic.....but at least they're not mooslime....
Yes, I do actually have a problem with that....too friggin' bad. Please deal with it. Oh yah, the story......Eddie (Yah, right....actually Eck-(phlegm)-muud), owns the store.....Eddie was working the counter and asked for a story about my trip.
I told him about Key West, and what a wonderful time I had there with M'Lady. I expounded.......just as two very large young fellahs walked in....removing their motorcycle helmets, about walking down Duval street.
We mosied by an outdoor bar area where about eight or so Men were sitting and watching and commenting on the passers by.
A young feller, sans shirt, reasonably fit, rode by on his rented mo-ped.....you know the noise when you jack the accelerator on a mo-ped? Kinda like a vrooo-blehh instead of a VRROOOMM....yannow?
He cruises by, feeling all full of himself, and one of the Men shouts out, "HO---MO......". Poor kid, some day he might grow into a Harley....well at least maybe a Honda.....
M'Lady and I laughed for at least two blocks about the absurdity and the "lesson" in self worth that the boy got....heh.
Sooooooo.....I related the story to Eddie in the presence of these two Large young men......I paid, said howdy to the fellahs, and made my exit.
Just outside the store was a mo-ped.
I looked at it. I looked back inside the store. They looked back at me.
I kinda figured that "it was on", and steeled myself for a well deserved beat down.
Kid came out, looked at me and said, "We borrowed my sisters mo-ped. It's not ours."
I said that I figgered t'wasn't......and escaped with most of my dignity and all of my body intact. Dammnation, I have got to learn to look around a bit before I spout off....
Good kids. Bad grownup. Lesson learned.
It was funny though......
I loved the little Honda trail-blazer that my mom had....
Only bike small enough for me to ride without fear. Even her standard Honda-- which is much smaller than "real" road bikes, like the Harley-- is so big I can't balance it because my legs are too short.
"Eddie" sounds like any number of "Skis" that I knew, and one poor guy with the family name Bennithem... he was "Bennie."
Nearly decked the guy who tried to shorten "Hicks" to "Hickie," I would like to add. ;^P
BTW-- my delightful aunt, who looks like dang near any good nurse you ever saw on TV, loves her little moped. It's souped up...but yeah, it still sounds like a weed-whacker.
ROFLAO! oh dear god Wolfie.... i am so happy u didnt get the sh*t kicked outta you! lol, *stffling giggle* no no cant stop... ROFLOL AGAIN! so what if i get a moped? cus i cant afford a motorcycle or the liscence to go w/ it.... lol!
but yes, nxt time.. take a GOOD look around :)
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