Well....let's just say that it has been an interesting, and thought provoking evening......Bigger Cub had no Drum line practice, he helped Little escape after school....and they evac'd to the local Taco Bell......
Hory Clap, where ever do they get their adventurous spirits? I showed up to grab 'em, and I see my Ten Year Old.....traipsing out of the local watering hole, holding a Large paper plate full of fruit.......Aaagh!
S'cuse me, Lil' Wolfie, but (wtf) are you doing with that? "Oh Sire, it's Thursday. They have Happy Hour with Strawberries, Melons, Pineapple and Bananas.....It's Free!!"
The Cub had walked in to a Bar and helped himself to the Happy Hour plates. "Ummm, did you think you might want to ask me if that was ok?" "Nope", said he, "They all know me in there.....I really like Thursdays......"
What ever am I to say? I s'pose I have to start drinking my O'Douls somewhere else....I just don't know where he gets his charm. No one bats an eye when he walks in, waves, shouts "Howdy Guys!!", and proceeds to fill a plate with "To Go" food.
Had a deep and study inducing conversation on the phone......I have found in the last little bit of time that I am not Nearly as wise in the ways of Life in General, or the World and Word of G-d as I want to be.....Hory Clap....
Whatever you do, don't listen to me. I realise that I am a work in progress. I think that I may have forgotten that a bit.....feeling a bit comfortable with myself, but.......Nope....gotta restart the Meditations....really get to the core of what I believe, so that I can share it all.......acceptable or not, I have got to know.
Weird #$%@##$ with the X-P, a bit also, Not quite sure what the heck is going on for the weekend. I don't want to mess up the Cubs schedules, but I'm s'posed to be taking at least Bigger up to Ventura to a Bar B Que on Sunday......(Divorce Sucks, Folks.....not so much for the Adults involved, heck...I want out and done now....but the Cubs?......dificult to say the least.
I'm Moving.....We're moving....YAY!!! No more Boarding House feel. Walkabout was a good interim, in fact the Condo we're moving to is an interim also, but Wollf needs a place to call Lair. Next week we go.....
Finally able to move all of my stuff....including Piano!! Yay!! and such into a place where only Wollf and the Cubs have keys.....
Stressful? Yup.....Very...in fact...VERY. I hate to move. I need One B.O.O. Now I'll have it. Goodnite. I havta spin in to the Office early and then play abit of "hookey" for the Cubs.
Should be a good weekend.
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