South Beach, my Lady Friend tells me, is quite the haven for the gay community.....Thanks for telling me now that it's rather obvious.....Hell, even the Life Guard Stands look gay. Not the handsome Wollf standing on it of course.....
Then a view down South Beach.....oh Hory Clap, It's a part of Miami, sorry. The sky is a wonderful shade and the air is perfectly clear......
Then back down the avenue....Wollf doing one of the things he does best.......'s late here, got a Big day planned for tomorrow, gonna be at the Hard Rock, do some gambling and spend the night up there.....come on by for a drink if you're by chance in the neighborhood.... G'nite,
Oh, just as a by the bye....It is my personal opinion that Barack Hussein Obama is a creepy, scary dude who would be the worst thing that ever hit this Great Country. He is, in the words of a Famous Black Preacher....a "Long legged, Mack Daddy of a whore monger".
Heh.....he also has ZERO experience, and a completely naive view of the world and its dangers. I hate him.
Minute I disliked him:
During his acceptance speech, he called his wife "baby-mamma."
That's the word for, basically, the unpaid whores of those who never intend to marry the mother of their children.
Instant disrespect.
You're looking pretty intently at that mannequin, Wollf... you know she's not real, right?
i think the fake lady has had a boob job, they're REALLY fake, even for a faker!
I agree about OBracka, a hippie do-gooder, feel-gooder that thinks we need to be nicer and the bullies will leave us all alone...
the country and OBRackA will be in for a rude awakening if he IS elected. unfortunately, i think he will be elected.
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