
Monday, January 28, 2008

I have been Stumped........


Feelings. I have not waxed philosophical in a bit. The words simply did not come. The Poetry stuck in my throat, not able to pass my lips......

I knew her. I felt her. She was there. I Loved her once, twice......and more. And I died to this world, leaving Her alone. Once, twice.....and more.

She knew me before She was born. She has waited. I have grown. She has waited and She is ready to learn. I am ready to teach and to share.

Close to half a century of experience this time.....before we are together. Maybe this time we get it right and spend Eternity......

Or maybe we simply learn enough and live enough and love scale the Tree a bit higher, to sing the Songs of our do it again.

And if we do........Malsom and Qaqsoss (Wollf and Fox), will dance again with one heart, remembering a step at a time.

Maybe this time we will understand. She has loved. I have loved.

Now it is time to Love.



The words will come.........Patience has gotten us this far.
I have given life. I have taken life.
I have given. I have been forgiven.
I understand.

I think that I shall mosey a bit.
Take my hand. There is no hurry.........

Not any more.

1 comment:

aA said...

glad the flow is back, Wollf! this is good poem-ing!