Yup....got Tatt....two....I like it, so there, I'll be adding a bit of color in about a week. I roughed it out, and the artist filled it in for me to my liking.
Kinda 'splains why Wollf howls at the moon....there seems to have been a Dragn up there.....
There are some Folkes who are averse to Dragons......not this ol' Wollf.
I have pics of getting it done.....*ouchie*....
Talk later,
UPDATE.......Foxfier made a great comment 'bout my Farmer Tan.....so, I cropped the picture. TMI, dontcha know.....LOL, FF, but you are surely correct.
More of a Farmer's tan than my dad.
They sell this fast tanning stuff now, ya know... :) LOL You really did it!
looks nice! I still say cupid hit ya w/a triple dose of love bug fever *giggle* :) lol. i really do like it tho. my friend saw it and says she wld get on like it too if she cld afford it.... lol. told her i'd letcha know, boost yer ego sum! lol. and i read the post about pupper doffy. tabasco works well... put a lil on chair legs and what not... teaches ema lesson. oh and pigs ears.... he'll chew on that fer hours, instead of yer cubs stuff. lol. he's cute tho.... really cute :)
take care
Farmer's Tan is a GOAL of mine, i have the left arm darker than the right Trucker's Tan...
I can't do a tat, personally, but yours is sure cool!
Now THAT'S a dragon if ever I did see one! Looks pretty Cool.
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