In conversing with a Dear Friend....a question was raised, "You always write of your Male Cubs, but rarely of intimate daily interaction with your Eldst "At Home" She-Cub......Why?....."
It is quite simple, Dear Readers, but I figure it's an important item that needs to be addressed.
This Blog is about my growth, Spritually and Emotionally, the Changes, the Loves and the Heartbreaks of a "Middle Aged" Single Dad, my interaction with my Cubs, my goofy, off kilter observations, attempts at both Humour and coming to grips with the primal pain that afflicts and Blesses us all...and besides that.....
She is Eighteen.
SHE WOULD KILL ME. Plain and simple. Her privacy at this point in Life is Paramount. I mention her, and Lovingly, but I shall not intrude on the things that she considers "Super Sekrit".
I Love Her, and I will respect her "Shyness". The Male Cubs have no such inhibition. They understand that Nobody really knows who they are.......well...."Mostly"....and they love to ocassionally read about their exploits in print.
My Eldest living She-Cub, lives in Missouri with her Husband and my GrandCubbette Kylie. She is ........Preggers!!! As in a Family way, as in.....My Cub in Law didn't pay attention to my rule of not touching my Daughter....Dammit.
But I digress as always....I'm gonna be a GrandWollf again. I'm much too young for this, but I am Thrilled.
She-Cub, the eighteen year old, will never have to worry about me embarassing her here....that's why I mention her in passing. Same thing in a different way about Others....I Love very deeply, and although I do have a tendency to be impulsive, I am Rarely feckless in my consideration of others....
So, there you have a clarification, in case you needed it......
Wollf Loves and cherishes all his Cubs, Male and Female, the same. Seems that the Feminine are a bit more......yannow?
Now....I shall commit suicide. This is my Eighteen year old. Actually, no suicide, she will simply kill me.......I don't care. I Love the kid.
Sounds like you won't have to worry about anyone pushin' THAT girl around!
Some day she'll have her own blog and then you'll have to worry :)
Rose.....Aaaaagh, I hadn't thought of that...oh the stories She can tell.....
And, FF....sheesh, I really hope you're right, but she like I, is a slave to her Emotional side.
I'm getting better at it, realising, little by little that Life is a lot longer than we have been told.
Slow down, make and keep Friends, and every once in a while....just shut the hell up and smile...
Yeah, ahdonnow!
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