Here's the deal. Folkes and Friends. KT Cat of the Scratching Post....check the side Bar , "Tagged" me with what is called a "meme".....kind of a Game that we "Big timeBloggers" play with each other.
This time, the theme is to answer four questions...... If Wollf had outrageous amounts of Capital, and time, where would I spend One Week, One Month, One Year and Half of my Life?
Well, the answers at this point in my evolution were fairly easy.....finding suitable pictures and creating prose.......not so. I'll get you for this KT. Being the "Pater of Prowling" in the Aristocracy has it's Responsibility. Make sure you drop by his house and take him to task about picking on poor Wollf. Go right
So, the answers.......Anywhere? One week I would spend at Machu Picchu. It is 70 kilometers northwest of Cusco on the crest of the mountain Machu Picchu, about 2,350 meters above sea level. It is one of the most important archaeological centers in South America and the most visited tourist attraction in Peru. It is also just plain old Bitchen Cool.
I want to be there, or have my Path lead me to someone who look in their eys and "see"....something about me and eyes, huh? Must be the ENTP thing...and of course,
I have a bit of Indiana Jones in me I suppose......

One month?....heh, is the diamond of the Greek Islands. Its white sculptured villages are nestled atop steep volcanic cliffs that fall sharply to the deep blue Aegean Sea. This is paradise for shoppers, photographers, artists, hikers or anyone who just wants to sit at a cafe and soak up the sun and scenery.
The Home of the much History and Romance......just friggin' wow. Plus lots of hiking and swimming and drinking and eating get the drift.....

One year? Wow.....I need a place to explore, to feel, to learn......what better place than the Isle of Mystery itself, New Zealand, full of unknowns, Flora and Fauna still being discovered or rediscovered. Great rivers, reefs, mountains, valleys, People who understand what it means to be pioneers.......oh my goodness.

And finally......where Wollf would spend Half of his Life? Which amount of time seems as though it would probably be the Rest of his Life?
Holding the hand of the Woman who this represents......wherever that might be. I have known Her also. Things happen for reasons that we cannot understand. She's not that far away........and she knows it. She just hasn't yet found me.....

So......who is next? I think it shall be .....hmmm, Hah!! Sorry Rose, tag, you're it. Change the tenor of your Blog for a bit. Be a teeney bit less serious...enjoy the challenge. Oh....and that darned Greek Leonidas....I'm looking forward to his choices as he is quite the well travelled Soul.
Enjoy, my friends....I'd link, but you're in the sidebar.....Watchpaul and Fighting in the Shade....and my poor shoulder hurts......
There is one "very" small problem with my dreams here, though.....that darned Bear. All he wants is older whiskey, younger Sow Bears, faster cars and more money to spend foolishly. He's even picked out his new ride.......sheesh, I should never have introduced him to my world. He was perfectly content "sitting on the dashboard of her car"........

Oh, by the way.....18
OH MA-A-A-AN! I can't do that! Be less serious ON MY BLOG? Can't be done.
Ok,. OK, so here's the deal - I have set up another LESS SERIOUS BLOG! For fun, The COFFEE SHOP blog, where we can discuss politics light and not so light, but not so serious as watchpaul... Because watchpaul, hopefully, will someday be unnecessary.
Will that work?
I have to figure this out though, because I'd say Tahiti, Fiji, The Bahamas, somewhere like that EXCEPT for one thing - WE here in the US have the BEST system, so - this is tough....
lol! pooor rose! hey wolfie, at least u didnt tag me! bear look cute again! love the ride, u do realise next thin he's gonna start doing is stealin the lasdies from you! lol! you chse very beutiful places 2 be btw. :)
OK, Wollf, I did my best. But this is harder than it seems! I do want to steal your Greece photo there, that would be heaven... I pick, the Maldives (look at that place!), Ireland, Norway, Venice, Maine, and a yet to be chosen place to be the forever place. All I know is it needs to be near water, have property, room for horses, and a house big enough for my kids to bring their families... yet to be found. (Couldn't really say, a week, a month, a year... that's the hard part.
Oh, and I complained to KT! :)
It's all KT's fault anyway.....not mine....sheesh.
Good Sport, Rose
Wow! We could hang out together in New Zealand, but the rest of the places are to cold for cats. We like sunshine and warmth, you know.
Thanks for playing.
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