
Monday, March 2, 2009

Do you want to know something?.....

I'm in a bit of a mood. M'Lady Dragn is out, working, and I mean WORKING, with the kids at the local middle school on a project of great import.

Which means that I am not in her calming and thoughtful influence.....which also means that I may well lose one or two of my Faithful.....which would take me down to

Oh well, I banged my head on a pipe rack this afternoon, and the ADD is flowing, might as well let it fly, because.....

This silly assed blog, which started as my Comfort Zone, is now occasionally , actually "read".......

And I must be true to myself, so.....when I start to expound on my thoughts of Morality, Honor and Relationships....or politics and the state of our nation.....

G-d dammit, I'm gonna write like I, please bear with, ADD aside, I'm a Desert born and bred old country boy, and I'm dammnable tired of writing like I'm not.

So, where does that leave us?

In a Fix, is where. Our Country's leadership is led by Folkes who, if their intelligence were gasoline, wouldn't be enough to run a pissant's motorbike around the inside of a cheerio......

I worry. I really do. I, and Mine will survive, no matter the course of events, including the ultimate destruction of our Country by dummer than a box of horseshoes Legislators.....

Ya see, I'm a Survivor.....not a survivalist by any means, but a Survivor. I will get whatever is needed to provide for Mine.......

I Believe in America. I Believe in Her People. I am getting pissed the hell off. And I am not the onlyest...yeah it's a word.....there are a Bunch of "Wolverine" types out there.

How friggin' long are we gonna pay the bills of incompetent boobs? How long are we gonna keep electing those incompetent boobs?

Somethin' has to happen, because the Regular Folke of this Great Country can only put up with our elected nitwits for so long.......

What the hell do we do? My 401k is lookin' more like a 201, and I'm not pleased. Not pleased at all.....

If the Commandant calls.....I'm all in. All.
It's a Marine thing......those of you, look at your took it....

Ok, done with my rant. Don't let them get away with stealin' your Country. Remember what they did with hoss thieves?

How much more precious is our Country, our Constitution, our way of Life?

I dunno, I'm just.......


cry_alone said...

wolf, i know this blog started out as therapy, but i am glad to see how it has turned out.
i am happy to read about your political views, social views. they dont always meet mine... but hey if we all thought alike... life'd be boring to say the least.
this blog has eveolved from being a heart on the sleeve kinda blog, where i didnt see any pics of u or your kids.... to a blog where u post your mind, heart and soul. and pics.
you've really come a long way.
as for this post.... i can understand. up here in canada, i voted for the green party... cus altho they'd nvr get in.. least they werent corrupt liberals, dreamy ndps, cut back conservatives, or separatist folks.....

aA said...

Wollf, sorry to say, the rant you just ranted was NOT out of line, and is desperately needed in this country right now. i have been trying for 2 months to buy ammo, and they just can't keep it on the shelf.

you are completely right. the country has been taken over by wrong-thinkers. and unfortunately, i don't think they're all that stupid. they are evil and sneaky and bold and condescending and they think they're superior to the rest of us.

but not stupid. no, and that's why I worry.