
Monday, October 20, 2008

An aside, before we get started.....

We went to Tombstone for Helldorado, an annual celebration of the days and weeks leading up to the notorious Gunfight at the OK Corral. I'm going at this report of the trip a bit bass-ackwards, but in looking at my photos.....I was taken aback by one in particular that you may see below......

The last item on the agenda for me and those in my company is a visit to Boot Hill Cemetery on the way out of town.........

Boothill has become the "Trip Photo" spot every year for whomever accompanies the hard core group, ie: me and mine. Well, it was time to cut out, so the Cubs, Dragn and Wollf went on in, looked around a bit and set about getting our picture taken under the tree we always use.

Bigger thought it would be a nice idea to take a "Missing Comrade" picture in honor of his big Sister Heather. She used to do everything in her power to go and spend time with the Cubs and me.......

Well.....We humored the Cub, because we thought it showed the respect that he felt, and the way that he missed Her not being a part of our lives anymore. We set up, arm in arm with room in between Dragn and Wolfie the Younger.

This is the unretouched photo that is in the camera. No where else in the whole bunch of photos did that "Glow" appear. After he snapped it, Elder Wolf proclaimed that it was Perfect.....that he actually felt "something"......I did too, just a slight shiver in the desert heat.....You judge....see anything?

Wollf is a pretty Spiritual Man, with an open mind that spreads far beyond my "basic" belief system. Boot Hill is reputed to be one of the most haunted places on earth.....night time there can be quite interesting, I know from experience.

Was that my Cubette? Was it one of the myriad of Ghost sightings made at Boot Hill? I don't know, but besides putting a cold shiver up my makes me feel oddly warm. Like maybe I've had an experience to tell me She's OK....

More in a bit...less spooky. By the way, you might check out a site that's dedicated to sightings in Tombstone at
Tombstone Ghosts A lot of these Orb things and odd light and even some forms and faces......Don't think I'll do a camp out, but it's darned interesting.

Oops...UPDATE.....found one more photo with a "Spirit Orb" in it...heh. Spooky place, that Boot Hill...

PS: I know at least one special Person out there who is going to get a shiver out of this......
Love you,


DammitWomann said...

Wait ........... cowboy hat but NO boots or buckle? Sheesh

Rose said...

Pretty awesome, Wollf. I say, yes, it is a message that she is OK. And loves you.

Foxfier said...

1) Looks like sunlight hitting the camera lense.

2) It is placed PERFECTLY in the "missing man" spot, and the sun doesn't seem to be in quite the right spot to cause it-- so it'd take a slight imperfection on the glass itself, and it'd have to be AMAZINGLY slight to only have one other pic with a light-orb.

I don't know how it happened, but I'd say your gut is dead right for why.

God bless and keep you and your family, no matter the state of their bodies ATM....