
Friday, October 31, 2008


Dragn.....Middle School Teacher, as most of them do, dressed up for Halloween today.
She wore Milspec cammies, I painted her face in "old school" Tiger cammo, and she borrowed my Ghillie.

I thought she made quite the pretty shrub....a bit taller than the Cub did last year...but, she was disappointed she couldn't take a sidearm to complete the effect.

So, Dragn.....I decided to play dress up with your picture. Don't mess with her Folkes....she looks srs...srsly.

I am laughing my friggin' tail off here......
I am so easily amused......

1 comment:

DammitWomann said...

"Disappointed she couldn't take a firearm to school?"

Speechless on that one.......

Although, I'm sure the administrators and parents don't share her disappointment. Yannow ????