
Monday, January 26, 2009

A Request.......

To PWW and DW....the darn thing won't embed, but here's a clicky thingie.
Hippo and Dog

I personally think the Hippo ought to lighten up.......


DammitWomann said...

LOTFLMBO - Seriously...I laughed until I cried.


A laugh a day keeps the wolf away............oops

TUA - eat your heart out!

Rambling Rose said...

I agree with Wollf - Martha REALLY needs to lighten up. She IS working on it - a little bit at a time. And if we can get Mary to show a little restraint, Martha will lighten up even more - with some practice.

Rambling Rose said...

Oh, and thanks for sharing this for me, Wollf. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how to do it. And I SO wanted to share my delight with others.