
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Now this might just be tough........

I had an e-mail conversation today.......and it made me a bit sad for some Very Good Folkes. If they were closer, I'd hug one and slap the other upside the head.....

Yah, I have to be circumspect in my descriptions, the absolute need for anonymity reigns supreme in this case, but I feel the "almost" need to explore what's going on in my heart......

To elaborate......a "Couple" has a problem that many do......One is....*afraid* of commitment.....or that was the term used in our conversation....The other is "done" with waiting....

It seems to me that being *afraid* of commitment is a rather natural thing, in fact that term might better be described as "Being comfortable with the status quo", I don't know....I'm afraid that the term *afraid* in this case....

Would better be replaced with the word *Averse*.

And that would be sad. A lot more sad for the commitment averse party than the Person who so desperately desires that commitment.......The second will move on, broken hearts heal....damm,don't I know that one....and will feel the joy of a Partner again....

The first....will grow old alone.

I hope the best for them both. I hope that they both take the time to look inside themselves and take positive steps forward....hell I hope the one simply takes the first baby steps to beginning a journey of awareness....

Be well...I'm in entirely too good a mood tonite for this essay.....I promised I'd write something. I'll follow up in a future post.

There's a deck, some blankies and an adult beverage calling to me.....oh, and some absolutely delightful company.

Wollf.......belly full of Greek sausage, spinach wrapped in filo, baklava....the Festival was grand.

1 comment:

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

In case you and your "very good folkes" missed it, read THIS.
Hope you tried the gyro. It is excellent if the pita bread is fresh.