
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just some fun pictures that I've got.........

A town in Britain has started a new multi-cultural event at their local Library. You can go in and "check out" a real human being for a half hour conversation over coffee. Want to find out a bit more about an ethnic or religious group? Go check out a Muslim....wear your burkha though, and no jokes about Mohammed....

I saw this........I wonder if he charges?

Sometimes, "funny" and "frightening" go hand in hand....this poster spooked me, as it should you.....steal as desired. As a side note to this one, Israel is going to kick his little midget a$$ here pretty soon.....just after the November Elections? Lame duck POTUS, plausible deniability on political motive.....hmmm

And finally.....Little Baby BroWollf and I come from a gene pool containing a "bit" of Country Boy....(spell Redneck).....and, using a bit of PS ingenuity, Miss Dragn has created the perfect "El Rancho Lobo" for our weekend getaways.....

Glad to see he's come to visit.....

Hey, it was fun for me.....


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