But I truly am damm tired of the stuff that's going on here in SoCal.....and elsewhere.....
Our wonderful State Legislature hs decided that "Big Box Stores"...ie: Home Depots, must be required to create "Lounges" for Day Laborers....spell that Illegals looking for tax free work.
This is the Height of insolence and arrogance. You are in My Country. Go friggin' Home and fix Yours.
I Hates me some Politicians.....and most leftards. I love the Mxican People, really and truly, I do, but I don't need them here illegally, mooching off my hard work, and causing many more problems than they solve.
Time to go all 007 on 'em? Nah.....but you get the idea.....
Well, a picture of a giant broom wouldn't work-- unless they knew someone like my aunt, who once herded "highly dangerous" bison with a broom because they were in her laundry....
What's the legislation number? Senate Bill # ____?
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