Kid Rock......American Warrior
Good job.
You'll do.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Birfday.......
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Weightless by Erika Janunger.........
This is Beautiful and strangely Eeerie at once......I've watched it three times just to make sure that I have my brain wrapped around it...
Some People have all the talent....
Some People have all the talent....

The more pragmatic amongst us have in, you want something....doesn't matter what it is......create a plan, stick to it....and achieve......
Surely, the ocassional daydream is good for the mind, but if you want to ever do anything more than something....anything, to achieve your goal.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Killing Time, and older photos.......
Just loved this sign since I snapped it down in Key West this March...lost it, and then..ta I share. Not much going on right here either, still cleaning out pictures, and trying to ignore the Democratic convention.......

Sleepeh Kitteh.....Ransom of Red Chief, caught napping with Bigger this morning...

This would be a Sikh sense of the way, the Sikhs are not the bad guys in all this.....

Sorry for the snooze fest....I'll be back to whatever it is I do a bit later....La la la la.....

Sleepeh Kitteh.....Ransom of Red Chief, caught napping with Bigger this morning...

This would be a Sikh sense of the way, the Sikhs are not the bad guys in all this.....

Sorry for the snooze fest....I'll be back to whatever it is I do a bit later....La la la la.....
Monday, August 25, 2008
WTF is this all about?
Cleaning out some pictures.......
Had a fun filled weekend, have some of my County Wide Semi Famous, but damm deliscious chili cooking in the crockpot at the Lair...and I'm in a Good Mood.
Changed the schule with the Cubs so I get 'em tonite 'stead of tomorrow this week, gotta cook up some cornbread with sweet corn and green chiles....and there's another reason I'm feeling so fine....
Just can't put my finger on it....oh well,'ll come to me, I'm sure.....

What in the ever-loving "H" is this thing? First one knows.....I'll send them a small shrubbery. I'm not a welsher like that darned Geezer fellah....heh...*hi aA*

And then, the new DeWalt rapid fire nail gun.....of Course I want it.........

Talk later.....maybe......depends on if I remember why I'm feeling so......"Fine"...
Changed the schule with the Cubs so I get 'em tonite 'stead of tomorrow this week, gotta cook up some cornbread with sweet corn and green chiles....and there's another reason I'm feeling so fine....
Just can't put my finger on it....oh well,'ll come to me, I'm sure.....

What in the ever-loving "H" is this thing? First one knows.....I'll send them a small shrubbery. I'm not a welsher like that darned Geezer fellah....heh...*hi aA*

And then, the new DeWalt rapid fire nail gun.....of Course I want it.........
Talk later.....maybe......depends on if I remember why I'm feeling so......"Fine"...
Saturday at the Beach........
After a mid morning Piano Lesson for Lil' Wollfie.....yah, I'm one of those Sires who believes in piano lessons.....from eight to twelve years old....then the Cubs get to choose for themselves. Seems to me to help establish responsibility and enhances brain function....soooo, afterwards, Wollf loaded up most all of the usual suspects, and drove down to Sycamore Beach......
Lil' Wolfie, or as he is beginning to prefer, "Wolf the Younger".....

That Dragn that for some reason continues to allow us in her company.......

And of course the grandest reason of all for a spur of the moment Beach Adventure.....
Der Uber Doggen.....

We had a great time, Uber is a bit taken aback by the waves, tossed a$$ over teacup more than a few times, shivering with excitement....the water was a balmy 70 degrees, and thoroughly enjoyed a somewhat athletic afternoon.
We are not "sitters and ponderers" at the beach.
I went out for a bit, body surfed, and played....finally, while out a ways, I kicked something "Large" and "alive" under water......decided to quit that particular fun.
Anyway, had a wonderful time of it, exhausted my three companions, and headed back to the Lair. Bigger didn't go....went to Six Flags with some buddies instead.....
His loss.....
I'm going to clear out some of my collected pictures later and will probably post a number of them....some funny, some that I just really enjoy, and you know why?
'Because I can.
Lil' Wolfie, or as he is beginning to prefer, "Wolf the Younger".....
That Dragn that for some reason continues to allow us in her company.......
And of course the grandest reason of all for a spur of the moment Beach Adventure.....
Der Uber Doggen.....
We had a great time, Uber is a bit taken aback by the waves, tossed a$$ over teacup more than a few times, shivering with excitement....the water was a balmy 70 degrees, and thoroughly enjoyed a somewhat athletic afternoon.
We are not "sitters and ponderers" at the beach.
I went out for a bit, body surfed, and played....finally, while out a ways, I kicked something "Large" and "alive" under water......decided to quit that particular fun.
Anyway, had a wonderful time of it, exhausted my three companions, and headed back to the Lair. Bigger didn't go....went to Six Flags with some buddies instead.....
His loss.....
I'm going to clear out some of my collected pictures later and will probably post a number of them....some funny, some that I just really enjoy, and you know why?
'Because I can.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Silly Army, Warrior Uniforms are for Marines.......
Read what the Armorer has to say over atArrrrgghh
The Army has updated it's Class B "ever-days Uniform. LMAO here at the Lair Folkes... Great Arm of the Services, Nothing but Respect, but.....whose idea was this anyways?
All the Armed Forces have been chasing the Marine Corps for frigging ever in the Uniform rivalry. Seems to me, from the poster below, (That I Blatantly stole ...with Accolades from Arrrggh), that the Army is going to be doing a bit more Shopping Mall Security........

Great Post, Great site that I've been lurking at for years.
And yah, I am stifling my giggles....blousing with that Uniform is damm humorous....
Semper Fi.
The Army has updated it's Class B "ever-days Uniform. LMAO here at the Lair Folkes... Great Arm of the Services, Nothing but Respect, but.....whose idea was this anyways?
All the Armed Forces have been chasing the Marine Corps for frigging ever in the Uniform rivalry. Seems to me, from the poster below, (That I Blatantly stole ...with Accolades from Arrrggh), that the Army is going to be doing a bit more Shopping Mall Security........

Great Post, Great site that I've been lurking at for years.
And yah, I am stifling my giggles....blousing with that Uniform is damm humorous....
Semper Fi.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Warning ....Political......Immigration.....Farmworkers....

His purpose? To persuade Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign one of his measures, now pending in the Legislature, intended to make it easier for farm workers to unionize. Making the video -- with taxpayer-funded staff and equipment, though Assembly officials say they do not have a cost estimate --(right), was an unusual exercise for a state lawmaker. Their persuasive efforts normally stop at letter-writing.

"I saw this as an opportunity to reach the governor in a dignified way, knowing how he thinks and sees the world," said Nuñez, "knowing that he really feels for the families of those who have died while toiling in the fields."
Lookie here, you pointy nosed, never worked a day in your life, Socialist, Requonquista.......I feel, and I mean FEEL, for the plight of these People. But, G-d dammit, they are here ILLEGALLY......why can't our Legislature GET that?
Yes, they work hard, yes, by and large they are Good People, but yannow what?
They are Peasants...."Peon", in their language, from a third world country here Illegally. Some and I do mean "some", not a small number, of People I respect and care for, are immigrants from the South.......Legal ones, People who have gone through the arduous steps of becoming a Legal Citizen of these United States
They want to be American. To understand our Country, to hold our Constitution as their own..... are a First Class Asshat. You spent My Money on your dream of turning My Country into an extension of Mexico.
Not going t0 happen on Wollfs watch. I will not stand for it. There are a Lot of others, just....well sorta, like me.
Go get a job.....a real job, and stop suckling my teat. Illegals in my Country do not have the right to unionize. Yes, humane working conditions are a must, but G-d dammit......they have one true right.
The right to walk away from heir crappy paying job, to go back South to their own Country, and to fix the friggin' problems THERE.......
I am thoroughly tired of do gooder liberals and USA haters spending my money to change this Country for the worse.....
Bite me Fabian. I do not care for your ilk.
Not one teaspoon full.
*end diatribe*
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What does Wollf do for fun in the evenings?
You might not guess it, but their is a little mischievous cub inside this old Lupine body........and with the mischievous Soul of Dragn spending Life with me? Heh.
Go directly to BLIZNIETA to find out......
Bigger may never be the same.......
Go directly to BLIZNIETA to find out......
Bigger may never be the same.......
Any Ultimate Fighting Fans......
Fight Club, Boxing, Kick Boxing? I just absolutely almost choked, it was so funny.
I lourves it when a hot dog gets his come uppance.....
I lourves it when a hot dog gets his come uppance.....
To All my Friends in Florida......
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Can't help myself.........
The Wonderful Dragn is fast a friggin' sleep....Uber is out like a light after playing with Bigger and Lil Wollfs, the Ransom Cat is behaving, and I did my Birfday post........
H/T to Dragn on this picture, had me giggling.....Go ahead, vote O'Bonga...well, maybe his lack of substance appeals to you if you're really stoned.

Go ahead and use this without attribution if you wish.....I just think it's damm funny...
Lourves me some Dragn...thanks.
H/T to Dragn on this picture, had me giggling.....Go ahead, vote O'Bonga...well, maybe his lack of substance appeals to you if you're really stoned.

Go ahead and use this without attribution if you wish.....I just think it's damm funny...
Lourves me some Dragn...thanks.
Happy Birfday!!!
To the SarMajor.....Hory Clap, the Man, and I do mean THE Eighty Seven friggin' years old today......
Fought in a couple of wars....notably the South Pacific WWII, USMC, Peleliu, the bloodiest....three, I think, Purple hearts.....and not the Kerry kind, still can't pass a metal detector without it wanting to hump his leg....two Bronze stars and a Silver star for Courage in Combat......
Hell, it's a good thing he doesn't wear a uniform anymore....getting a little old to be carrying all the weight of his medals and ribbons.
Yes, I am Damn Proud to be this Mans' Son. He did right by five children and a wife....that would be my Momma, of over sixty five years.....what that beautiful Woman saw in that Marine simply has to be left to the imagination......
'cept, you can probably tell by the picture.....he aged fairly well.

Happy Birthday Sir. I, and the rest of your progeny Love you....even if it has always been a bit of a struggle getting more out of a phone conversation with you than...."Yep, I'm fine, good to hear you're's your Mother"
Heh....remember that earlier post about the Mars-Venus thing?....when the Sarmajor says, "Nope".........Believe Him......
Dick? Yup...that was his nickname growing he's Steve.
Love you Daddy....yah......"Daddy"....don't be a Dick....unless you think you can be as good a Man as my Dad.
Fought in a couple of wars....notably the South Pacific WWII, USMC, Peleliu, the bloodiest....three, I think, Purple hearts.....and not the Kerry kind, still can't pass a metal detector without it wanting to hump his leg....two Bronze stars and a Silver star for Courage in Combat......
Hell, it's a good thing he doesn't wear a uniform anymore....getting a little old to be carrying all the weight of his medals and ribbons.
Yes, I am Damn Proud to be this Mans' Son. He did right by five children and a wife....that would be my Momma, of over sixty five years.....what that beautiful Woman saw in that Marine simply has to be left to the imagination......
'cept, you can probably tell by the picture.....he aged fairly well.

Happy Birthday Sir. I, and the rest of your progeny Love you....even if it has always been a bit of a struggle getting more out of a phone conversation with you than...."Yep, I'm fine, good to hear you're's your Mother"
Heh....remember that earlier post about the Mars-Venus thing?....when the Sarmajor says, "Nope".........Believe Him......
Dick? Yup...that was his nickname growing he's Steve.
Love you Daddy....yah......"Daddy"....don't be a Dick....unless you think you can be as good a Man as my Dad.
The Real Reason we Beat the Axis Powers.......
Recent highly classified documents have been released regarding the before super sekrit reason why the Allies prevailed in World War II.
Fierce fighting and the Resolve of the Just, advances in Military Equipment and Great Strategies aside, it was a Foregone Conclusion, fom the beginning because Everybody Knows that .......

Fierce fighting and the Resolve of the Just, advances in Military Equipment and Great Strategies aside, it was a Foregone Conclusion, fom the beginning because Everybody Knows that .......

Somebosy's Thinking Non-Partisan
Who to vote for if you want to save the Gummint $5,000,000.........
A president’s pension currently is $191,300 per year, lasting until he is 80 years old.
Assuming the next president lives to age 80:
1) Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension, as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.
2) Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms, so would receive $4,973,800 in pension.
Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November.
Now, how’s that for non-partisan thinking???
A president’s pension currently is $191,300 per year, lasting until he is 80 years old.
Assuming the next president lives to age 80:
1) Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension, as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.
2) Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms, so would receive $4,973,800 in pension.
Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November.
Now, how’s that for non-partisan thinking???
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Funny, but with just enough of a Lesson.........

Tonight, I thought my Man was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it.
Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much. I asked him what was wrong. He said, ‘Nothing.’ I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say, ‘I love you, too.’ When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent.
Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. To my surprise, he responded to my caress, and we made love. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep - I cried. I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
Harley wouldn’t start today, but at least I got laid.
I run into this all the time it seems.......I've been in conversation with a dear Friend who's going through pretty much this same scenario....a bit more serious to be sure, but.....
Women Folke DO "tend" toward over thinking the ways and wiles of the male of our species......we are pretty simple creatures in many ways....there's a solid grain of truth to the story, so....
If you're wondering how we feel about something.....make the question simple, with no hidden meanings that we have to sleuth....if you want to know if we Love you, ask. Sometimes Men can be preoccupied....doesn't mean we don't Love you....
Just means we don't know what's wrong with the damm Harley.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Quite the Weekend......
A Looong time Friend, Phyllis swung by on a round-about trip from her stomping grounds of Colorado where she spends her time as an Architect and Alpaca Rancher.
If you're interested, you can see just what the heck an Alpaca is at her niche website Aardwolf Alpacas ........kinda look like walking throw rugs to me, but I guess you can make a pretty good living busting your butt.....
Anyways, we had a lovely Breakfast, Phyl, Dragn Wollf and the Cubs......

Then it was off to the Lowlands of Camarillo and the annual old time planes show....Folke from all around the Country fly in and show off their Babies....P51 Mustangs, Dauntless, a Sopwith Camel from WWI....even two B-25 Bombers.........
Some really good looking Craft in flight,

On the Flightline......

And "some" even came with a bit of Feminine Finery as accoutrement.....heh, She's gonna bip me for that little aside.....

Went to a Big Harley Show.....almost bought Uber a kinda cool leather cap, did some shopping at the Outlet Mall, and headed back to the Highlands and the Lair for some deliscious Backyard Burgers on the grill......
Everybody ate their fill, including the two new Best Friends, Uber and Ransom. Yes, that is a Dog and a Kitteh, eating out of the same bowl at the same time, with nary a growl from either one.........

And then, after an obviously busy and fun weekend, we finally settled down and went to everybody all tucked in nice and cozy......

So, except for some rather petty annoyance from "outside influences", we had a very good time....and the "What we did this weekend" segment comes to an end....Life is all in all, Excellent.
Lourves me some Cubs.......
Lourves me some Dawg N Kitteh show......
Lourves me some Dragn......
What's not Excellent?
If you're interested, you can see just what the heck an Alpaca is at her niche website Aardwolf Alpacas ........kinda look like walking throw rugs to me, but I guess you can make a pretty good living busting your butt.....
Anyways, we had a lovely Breakfast, Phyl, Dragn Wollf and the Cubs......
Then it was off to the Lowlands of Camarillo and the annual old time planes show....Folke from all around the Country fly in and show off their Babies....P51 Mustangs, Dauntless, a Sopwith Camel from WWI....even two B-25 Bombers.........
Some really good looking Craft in flight,
On the Flightline......
And "some" even came with a bit of Feminine Finery as accoutrement.....heh, She's gonna bip me for that little aside.....
Went to a Big Harley Show.....almost bought Uber a kinda cool leather cap, did some shopping at the Outlet Mall, and headed back to the Highlands and the Lair for some deliscious Backyard Burgers on the grill......
Everybody ate their fill, including the two new Best Friends, Uber and Ransom. Yes, that is a Dog and a Kitteh, eating out of the same bowl at the same time, with nary a growl from either one.........
And then, after an obviously busy and fun weekend, we finally settled down and went to everybody all tucked in nice and cozy......
So, except for some rather petty annoyance from "outside influences", we had a very good time....and the "What we did this weekend" segment comes to an end....Life is all in all, Excellent.
Lourves me some Cubs.......
Lourves me some Dawg N Kitteh show......
Lourves me some Dragn......
What's not Excellent?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Oh Wow, oh Wow, Oh Wow!!!!Wollf is to be a Grand Sire....Again!!!!!

Oh my.....I have a Grand Cub on the way......yes a Cub, as in Male, as in....oh my goodness.....Kylie Cubbette is the cutest little red headed spitfire evah, and she going to have a brother.......
Gonna see my daughter Annie and Hubby and Kylie cubbette in early September.....excitement reigns.
Yay for Wollf.....yes, I'm a Grampa......sheesh, I'm gettin' old. Better go for a run.
This is not a Rascist Post.........

But I truly am damm tired of the stuff that's going on here in SoCal.....and elsewhere.....
Our wonderful State Legislature hs decided that "Big Box Stores" Home Depots, must be required to create "Lounges" for Day Laborers....spell that Illegals looking for tax free work.
This is the Height of insolence and arrogance. You are in My Country. Go friggin' Home and fix Yours.
I Hates me some Politicians.....and most leftards. I love the Mxican People, really and truly, I do, but I don't need them here illegally, mooching off my hard work, and causing many more problems than they solve.
Time to go all 007 on 'em? Nah.....but you get the idea.....
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Then, to lighten the subject.........
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What is Honor.....?

Honor simply IS. It is best described in my lexicon as a state of Being. Without Honor, I should simply cease to exist. If I have a relationship of any import with another Person, and I realise that they do not after all, possess Honor...they cease to exist to me.
Not physically, silly ones, simply in the metaphorical sense. They mean nothing to me, they cannot harm me spiritually or emotionally.....they cease to exist in that sense.
My Honor, the core of my Being, continues, and although they have ceased to cause me emotional duress, or affect my Honor still requires me to treat them as people.....even though I might wish to rid the world of their ilk.
I have done many things that many People might find distasteful in my life, but always, always ....Honor.
Might Wollf have had a bit of a trying time these last few days? Yup. But I am making it through.......with an amazing amount of support from the Dragn. XP is being a bit of a pain.....but the Cubs are back, and Life is moving along......
I thank G-d every day, and many times a day, for the absolute magic that brought us finally together...
Sorry....felt a bit mushy there.....yuck.
Honor. It is something you have. Not something you can fake, or put on and take off at a I said it IS.
Merriam Webster: a: a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity "wouldn't do it as a matter of honor" b: one's word given as a guarantee of performance.......
There is no question. As much as I am "annoyed" with the actions, and sometimes "inaction's" of the XP.....I shall treat her with Honor.
Honor is what makes us or destroys us. G-d, I'm sure, becomes more than a bit annoyed with us, His creations......but He stoops to Honor us......hell, He hasn't really come down on our kind since that Big Floody thing with Noah.....
If He can put up with the inane and insane workings of the Human seems that we can put up with annoying, irritating people ourselves......
Dontcha think?
Goodnite, looks like Somebody needs a bit of cuddling....yah, I hate to do it, but it seems the Honorable thing to do........Heh
Sunday, August 10, 2008
As the Pater of Prowling.......
In the Feline Theocracy, I felt it my Duty to do a Cat Blog....just one, not a long one, nothing of such import as to shake your world, but....I thought I should properly introduce the newest member of the Lair......
His proper name is Ransom of Red Chief, named after the short story of the same name. He is a Devil Cat....well, not really, but the feistiest little ball of fun or fury that I have ever had.........Uber loves him....most of the time the little thing is covered in Labrador drool.......

If you need to understand the name, it comes from
HERE a wonderful short story that I read in my youth, by O Henry....
His proper name is Ransom of Red Chief, named after the short story of the same name. He is a Devil Cat....well, not really, but the feistiest little ball of fun or fury that I have ever had.........Uber loves him....most of the time the little thing is covered in Labrador drool.......
If you need to understand the name, it comes from
HERE a wonderful short story that I read in my youth, by O Henry....
For all you Doom and Gloomers.........
And although I have a number of Problems with the direction that our Country seems to be headed at times.......
The next generation of young Americans.....true, conservatively raised, Honorable young Men are on their way.....
Lil' Wolfie and Bigger got back from vacationing in Tucson today with the XP. I thought it time to trim the goldilocks that their momma encourages.....they look good.
Here's Lil' Wolfie, although from his look at 11 years old, we might have to start calling him Wollfie the Younger....he is a serious young Man with quite the adventurous and fun side thrown in.
Personally, I think he looks like a recruiting poster for the Junior Marine Corps...heh, sorry, but I was feeling a bit self indulgent.....

And always remember the words of Wollfie the Younger, "When the pin is pulled, Mister Grenade is Not your Friend......"
Back in a bit.....gotta chase Biger, Lil, Uber and Ransom the Devil is back to normal at the Lair....Testosterone runs Dragn deals with us all is beyond me, but we're All glad she came to the party.
The next generation of young Americans.....true, conservatively raised, Honorable young Men are on their way.....
Lil' Wolfie and Bigger got back from vacationing in Tucson today with the XP. I thought it time to trim the goldilocks that their momma encourages.....they look good.
Here's Lil' Wolfie, although from his look at 11 years old, we might have to start calling him Wollfie the Younger....he is a serious young Man with quite the adventurous and fun side thrown in.
Personally, I think he looks like a recruiting poster for the Junior Marine Corps...heh, sorry, but I was feeling a bit self indulgent.....
And always remember the words of Wollfie the Younger, "When the pin is pulled, Mister Grenade is Not your Friend......"
Back in a bit.....gotta chase Biger, Lil, Uber and Ransom the Devil is back to normal at the Lair....Testosterone runs Dragn deals with us all is beyond me, but we're All glad she came to the party.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Problems.......not worth mentioning
You are insignificant. I mean really really really….srsly.....Insignificant.
What you are looking at in the picture, are approximately 10,000 galaxies.
Each of those galaxies contains anywhere from ten million to one trillion stars.
The average star is roughly a million times the size of Earth. Get that huge number? A frigging Million.
And yet, with all that stuff in it, the Universe is more than 90 percent empty. Nada.....zippy, my Friends......
The picture, an actual photo from the Hubble, only covers one thirteen-millionth of the entire sky that we can see, and took over 400 some orbits of the Earth to complete. Here's the picture.....
Clicking on it should make it big enough to see that those "spots" are actually in millions of stars, which are millions of times Bigger than this teeny little speck that we call Earth.....
With me so far? Of course you are, although if you think about it too hard, and actually get your mind wrapped around it about one tenth of one percent......well, take my advice, just say.....Whoa....because I think that actually "getting" it is the cause of spontaneous human combustion......
Here's a closeup of the same photo, showing the Galaxies a bit better......

And just why am I writing about this? Well......a few posts back, I was concerned about all the things going on in and around my Life....good and bad.....once in a while, I have to step back in my meditations and reassert my knowledge of my very own insignificance.
Look at your problems as the teeny little speck that you are, and they tend to become less stressful to you.....make sense?
My XP is a pain in the butt.....srsly....but really, what does it matter?
In the doesn't. Not a whit. I awoke this morning with a headache from processing the crap that's running through my mind, and this thought of the Universe was running around, and yah know what?
I feel better.
Embrace the good, accept the wonder.......and Love. I hope that made some sense...I'm writing whilst Dragn is playing ball, our new Kitteh has braved the Uber gauntlet and is on my chest, batting at the keyboard........
Dragn will be home soon......Life, is Good. Love is Great. The Universe is what we can't imagine.
G'nite, I want a beer........
What you are looking at in the picture, are approximately 10,000 galaxies.
Each of those galaxies contains anywhere from ten million to one trillion stars.
The average star is roughly a million times the size of Earth. Get that huge number? A frigging Million.
And yet, with all that stuff in it, the Universe is more than 90 percent empty. Nada.....zippy, my Friends......
The picture, an actual photo from the Hubble, only covers one thirteen-millionth of the entire sky that we can see, and took over 400 some orbits of the Earth to complete. Here's the picture.....

Clicking on it should make it big enough to see that those "spots" are actually in millions of stars, which are millions of times Bigger than this teeny little speck that we call Earth.....
With me so far? Of course you are, although if you think about it too hard, and actually get your mind wrapped around it about one tenth of one percent......well, take my advice, just say.....Whoa....because I think that actually "getting" it is the cause of spontaneous human combustion......
Here's a closeup of the same photo, showing the Galaxies a bit better......

And just why am I writing about this? Well......a few posts back, I was concerned about all the things going on in and around my Life....good and bad.....once in a while, I have to step back in my meditations and reassert my knowledge of my very own insignificance.
Look at your problems as the teeny little speck that you are, and they tend to become less stressful to you.....make sense?
My XP is a pain in the butt.....srsly....but really, what does it matter?
In the doesn't. Not a whit. I awoke this morning with a headache from processing the crap that's running through my mind, and this thought of the Universe was running around, and yah know what?
I feel better.
Embrace the good, accept the wonder.......and Love. I hope that made some sense...I'm writing whilst Dragn is playing ball, our new Kitteh has braved the Uber gauntlet and is on my chest, batting at the keyboard........
Dragn will be home soon......Life, is Good. Love is Great. The Universe is what we can't imagine.
G'nite, I want a beer........
Dammit, Woman !!!!
You went and got me off track.....I'm trying to write a 'nother Laymans Guide to Physics....or at least a minor treatise on how frigging Insignificant we all are....
Sheesh. But, Truly thanks. This fun little Widget is a visual interpretation of your basic Self....mine seems pretty darn close to the Me that I've come back to be....
Try it ourself, if you will....kinda fun....and now, if you don't mind, I'll get back to the business at hand. You see, the Dragn has a Double Header softball tourney tonite.....did I mention that besides being pretty damm wonderful, she's also a bit of a tomboy and quite the athlete?
Who'd have thunk that I of all People, might be attracted to that.......heh.
So, she won't be by till about 2200hrs and I have the Lair to myself....well, excepting Uber and the new Kitteh....."Ransom".....hmmmmm, maybe I'll be able to write.......
Sheesh. But, Truly thanks. This fun little Widget is a visual interpretation of your basic Self....mine seems pretty darn close to the Me that I've come back to be....
Try it ourself, if you will....kinda fun....and now, if you don't mind, I'll get back to the business at hand. You see, the Dragn has a Double Header softball tourney tonite.....did I mention that besides being pretty damm wonderful, she's also a bit of a tomboy and quite the athlete?
Who'd have thunk that I of all People, might be attracted to that.......heh.
So, she won't be by till about 2200hrs and I have the Lair to myself....well, excepting Uber and the new Kitteh....."Ransom".....hmmmmm, maybe I'll be able to write.......
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sometimes when you Howl at the Moon.........

You get a little more than you bargained for.........
I have been on a bit of a forced hiatus, as if anyone might notice, heh, and haven't been able to Post as often or as in depth as I might seems that I've been busy.
Every time I plunk myself down in front of the Infernal Computer, The Devil Himself seems to show up to distract me.....which of course is why I chose this photo for the Post Title. So, what's up with ol' Wollf?
Wow, where to start with the things that have been, and remain, on my mind......
First and foremost........I am Happy. As in Happy with my Lot in Life. Content? Nope, and hopefully never. Content is for Cows....not Wolves. But very pleased with where I am right now.
But it seems that a lot is going on around me that is disquieting.
Odd behaviour by the seems that she's projecting her own discontent onto the Cubs....still, and possibly never, going to be able to appreciate that they are different than her own narrow view of what they "should" be. Lying/ tricking them into doing what she "thinks" is right only drives a wedge deeper between them.
Honesty and Honor when dealing with People.....most espescially your own.....aaagh.
A broken heart by the Best Friend of my deceased daughter, a young man whom I almost consider a a now former fiancee who left him literally in the lurch without so much as a spoken reason for leaving.
She joined the Coast Guard as a JAG Officer, and simply shipped out to Norfolk. WTF? How do you counsel a friend in that? She still writes him once in a inclinations at romance, but still, it seems, trying to keep a door open. Cares about herself.....period.
A dear friend in another state that has just found out that her "husband" of eight years is being unfaithful to her. She loves him. He'd best straighten his stuff and learn some Honor, or it's going to cost him dearly.....she's a good Woman.
My Cubs, on vacation with XP six hundred miles away, and TEN miles away now from The Sar'Major and my Mom, but odds are probably 100/None that she'll take an hour or so to let them visit. INTJ.......bad news for people of compassion.
A dear Friend whose Grandchild, whom she has raised, has moved away to Florida.....A She-Cub, all caught up in being 18 years old and playing adult, and sixty miles up the coast in Santa Barbara, my Best old Ex-Friend just had back surgery, and the VA Doc ran a screw through his sciatic nerve, a Woman that I shall always care for having a "Mulligan" on a very serious operation that should have fixed her....and all I can do is silently wish her well, and the list goes on and on.....
Really. Even down to the mundane....Lil' Bro Scotty's Torino? Remeber how righteously proud he was a few posts back? BLEW THE ENGINE.....aaaaagh and double aaagh. And of course.....I HATE my computer....I have the VISTA BLUES
.....heh, Thank you, Dragn, for brightening my day.....Srsly...
So...been busy on the lot's of thinking side, and worrying, and all that semi effeminate compassion stuff.....BUT......I have the good, or rather GREAT stuff going on also......I'm emotionally at the healthiest level I've been since I can't even remember......
I have the Real Love of a Beautiful Soul....not too shabby to ogle over either, my Cubs are Happy dudes....just gotta get XP to unserstand, my work is going swimmingly, and the BIGGEST NEWS.....
Wollf is going to have his second Grand Puppy!!!! And....not that it matters, but...heh....a for my Missouri She-Cub and my favorite Cub in Law.
They're driving out to visit the Lair in early September. Can't wait to see them, they're going to love the Dragn...... cut this Post....because it might be the longest ever....
Wollf has been busy. He's Happy. He's concerned about the People that he cares for.
Oh....and he Rellay dislikes that Poseur, race card playing, hope and change without a plan of substance, wants to take my guns away and raise my taxes and give the money to illegals......Obama. Eff him.
Vote for Lil' Wolfie.....or John McCain...take your pick.
Thanks for listening to me howl.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Damm Sprinklers......
Friday, August 1, 2008
War has been Declared.........
Any number or "Conservative Sites".....spell that Obama Bashers are having real troubles....I've heard from KT Kat....and a few others. BEERS WITH DEMO is down, NEOCON EXPRESS is down.....
Nobody hardly reads this silly spot, but I'll post as I hear stuff.
from the Neocon Express. They are pulling the same stunt with my old blog. My stalker is one of them. It is time for us to pull togther and take these fuckers down. Free speech is our God given right and By God we are going to use it. This has nothing to do with flagging as none of my blogs hae the 'flag' thing. Obama and his commie minions have contacts within Blogger and are using them to stifle all opposition.
NeoCon writes..
My apologies to NE readers; Apparently a wave of Obama supporters has “flagged” the Neocon Express as a “spam” sight and have successfully shut us down until Google’s Blogger programmers can confirm that we are not a spam site. The process apparently takes about 48 hours.
Apparently, this is a glitch in the ‘Blogger’ system which allows anyone on the net to “flag” any Blogger site as a spam site. With enough “flags” they can shut down a site until Google manually inspects the site to confirm it’s a legitimate blog and not automated spam. Unfortunately, Obama supporters have been abusing this method which was designed to filter out real net spammers, and have been systematically flagging high profile “anti-Obama” blogs on the vast ‘Blogger’ system as “spam” in order to shut down debate.
I trust that Google will have us up and running in 48 hours as their e-mail to me stated. Again, My apologies; apparently it’s just part of the election “war” that is going on, especially on the internet, so I won’t take it personally. I do think it’s a bad reflection on Obama supporters.
Or Developed.
Nobody hardly reads this silly spot, but I'll post as I hear stuff.
from the Neocon Express. They are pulling the same stunt with my old blog. My stalker is one of them. It is time for us to pull togther and take these fuckers down. Free speech is our God given right and By God we are going to use it. This has nothing to do with flagging as none of my blogs hae the 'flag' thing. Obama and his commie minions have contacts within Blogger and are using them to stifle all opposition.
NeoCon writes..
My apologies to NE readers; Apparently a wave of Obama supporters has “flagged” the Neocon Express as a “spam” sight and have successfully shut us down until Google’s Blogger programmers can confirm that we are not a spam site. The process apparently takes about 48 hours.
Apparently, this is a glitch in the ‘Blogger’ system which allows anyone on the net to “flag” any Blogger site as a spam site. With enough “flags” they can shut down a site until Google manually inspects the site to confirm it’s a legitimate blog and not automated spam. Unfortunately, Obama supporters have been abusing this method which was designed to filter out real net spammers, and have been systematically flagging high profile “anti-Obama” blogs on the vast ‘Blogger’ system as “spam” in order to shut down debate.
I trust that Google will have us up and running in 48 hours as their e-mail to me stated. Again, My apologies; apparently it’s just part of the election “war” that is going on, especially on the internet, so I won’t take it personally. I do think it’s a bad reflection on Obama supporters.
Or Developed.
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