
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This one's not only going to work.........

.........It's going to be wonderful.........because I'm old enough and "wise" enough to know what it takes, and that's attention.........

A couple of "secrets" that may seem obvious at first glance but they both contain a depth of understanding that falls short in a lot of relationships.

Mutual respect and acceptance will carry any relationship to a higher place, a place where the terms "Friend" and "Lover" are one meaning........

Mutual respect............... Dragn and I "chose" each other because we were attracted to each other and we liked who we each were when we met.

We will each have to focus on what we enjoy about each other or there might come a time when when we'll find that we have settled for mediocrity in our marriage. Which I won't......

How you speak to your spouse and how you represent them in conversations to friends and co-workers is an important element of respect.

Be certain to lift up and Honor your spouse whenever possible.

Be proud of their accomplishments and grateful for their role in your life together.

If things are running a little rough shift the focus to what is good and positive and watch your partner come alive again.

Always look for ways to say or share something positive with your spouse, especially when they are not around to hear it.

It will get back to them and they will be grateful for you.

Mutual acceptance............. Any relationship that withstands the test of time will go through trials from time to time.

Accepting your spouse for exactly who they are is crucial towards peace and and a Loving relationship.

Ever-bodies makes mistakes from time to time.

What's imperative is that both partners move beyond the mistake. Forgive, and Mean it.....once the problem is solved......Forget it.

I'm going into this Marriage with both eyes wide open, I Love and Respect a wonderful and Beautiful Woman with all of my heart, but I'm not blinded by that "Honeymoon" emotion.

Marriage is hard work sometimes.......but This time, I have a Partner that will work as hard or even harder, than I do.

We're both "Catholic", but we can't be married in the Church......but I simply Know, that G-d has Blessed us both.

Be with us in mind and Spirit as we celebrate our Vows on Saturday.

Yay for Wollf and Dragn.

*End Life Lesson*


Foxfier said...

Best wishes!

G-Lady said...

Wishing you all the best and much happiness and love as you begin your life together!

Ohioan@Heart said...

May you share a long happy life together.