
Monday, February 9, 2009

Just the most Amazing thing.........

That I've seen in a long, long time.....Dogs and polar bears playing......

Almost....I said almost, makes one think that the Palestinians can get along with Israel.......

Nah. Polar Bears have more humanity than Hamas....


DammitWomann said...

How sweet is that..............


cry_alone said...

That is so sweet! i want to download the whole documentsry now . see, no big mean white monsters in the great white north... just fuzzy white carnivores who make freinds w/ doggies (but u stil need to keep away from. not cus they be mean, but cus they r wild animals. see earlier post in wolfies blog about cowboy and deer and u see just why we need keep respectable distance from any wiild animal... ok maybe not bunnies. bunnies be safe. but any other wild animal... lol)

Rambling Rose said...

Absolutely beautiful. I have always had a fondness for polar bears. Thank you for sharing this with us,