.......one of my now few and far between weekend Posts, because on weekends, "Wollfes Westestess......" Which of course means, that with M'Lady Dragn in my life, and the Cubs.....well let's just say that Wollf only rests from blogging......
But today is Easter.....thus the title of the Post. Church this morning was one of the most touching, thoughtful sermons that I've been to......
This evening, Wolf the Elder's best friend and momma and grandma are coming over for Easter dinner.....it will be a hoot, great People.
They also happen to be Jewish. Personally, I think that is cool beyond belief. We......Dragn and Wolf the Elder, and Lil'Wolfie, have been to their house for both Seder and Hanukka dinners and Fellowship.....
We, Dragn and I, are truly honored that they would accept this particular reciprocity......
One of the many reasons that I wholeheartedly support Israel and her Children.....well, a lot of it is that the Jews only hold us "Goyim" to the Noetic" SEVEN Commandments.....since I've broken a lot of "our" TEN......well, just say that I'm appreciative......
Being a Catholic, not a "Good" one by the way....it was a bit odd to go to the local Protestant Church for Easter Service.....but you know what? I had a Great time, and the Service and Singing of Praises was pretty darn nice.
With my backgound of Catholicism and Amerind Lore, I have some "odd" Beliefs anyway....but as I said, it was a Great Service....ecumenical, if you will......but I really wish they had Hymnals.....or at least a "bouncing ball" on the video words for the songs.....
Anyway, wish us a good time at dinner, and remember the most Important part of our particular bent on Faith......
And, it happens to be the Answer to the Greeting that I titled this Post with..............
He is Risen INDEED!
Happy Easter to all of you.
Wollf and Dragn....and all the Cubs.
YOU went to church! Well, then, I'm guessing God has answered some prayers.
Hope you had a happy Easter, Wollf. We had a great one.
Yes, and I am so glad He is! Good to hear you participated, and your Jewish friends did too!
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