It is Coming. Armageddon. The End of Existence. It's OVER, my Friends, done. Oh, thinking back on that last.........screw the Kits.....just swing by the Lair, we'll tip a few to the "End", and enjoy the fireworks of our demise........
My Momma called me at the end of my day today, and asked, " Wollf, are you sitting down? Because I have to tell you something about your Father, the Sar'Major.....", and then drifted off into silence......
Understand, that the Sar'Major and Momma are 87 years old, and I happen to be 600 miles away......
PANIC.....and the words escaped my lips....."He died?", I croaked.
"No, worse than that, Son."......once again the empty sound of deep concern......
"Aaaagh, Momma, He had a stroke? Broke his hip and will never walk again? Momma?.....", I trailed off......
"No, Wollf", she whispered, "Worse than that, and it includes Me."
Gentle readers, I was floored with worry. *The house was being foreclosed, They decided to move into a "Home", A suicide pact......what could possibly be "worse" than the Sar'Majors death?
"He is voting for John McCain.....*subdued voice*....the Republican. And so am I."
I didn't know what to say.....these two Fine and Grand know about the sacrifices of my Sire in his Service to the Corps and Country....3 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Stars and a Silver Star in just one of his escapades in the South Pacific....Momma working during the War years at the Pentagon with Clearances that I could never have, while getting ready to have her baby........*bite that one, Barack*.....
My Momma and the Sar'Major have voted "D" for Democrat, Liberal....since FDR....completely, from President down to Dog Catcher.....Party Liners, never even gave the "Opposition" a thought........Srsly.....Never.
I finally stammered, "What Happened?"......and She responded quite strongly, "Two things, Wollfie....That Woman is a Good Person. She is Salt of the Earth, and those Jerks are trying to make hay of some ridiculous, meaningless....Personal problems in her Family. How DARE they?"
And number 2? That which sent the Sar'Major, dedicated FDR Liberal, over the edge?
It was this picture.........

The Sar'Major, and my Momma........the Staunchest of the point of "Weapons being Drawn" on more than one occasion......
Are voting Republican. Their Hearts. They GET it......I feel filled with Courage...not "hope", and the warmest of feelings that this Great Country of ours is beginning to see through the facade of a Party that is without Soul......
G-d bless America. G-d give me a few more years to have the Sar'Major and Momma, ....Life is good.
Gotta go listen to Sarah's speech..........
And.....The Picture was Respectfully stolen from KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
YAY!!! Converts!
She IS awesome! There is something powerful there, something solid/ They are going to try to knock her down. She will have to keep her head up and keep moving, but, in watching the replays - I would say the word that came to mind is she is Reaganesque.
It's not just the ability to communicate, it is the nuance, and the power behind it.
She has changed the landscape. By her very existence and presence she has changed the debate entirely. She exposes hypocrisy without saying a word.
It is an amazing thing to watch.
And Keith Olberman looked like he was kicked in the guts.
*tears up*
Please tell them thank you, Wollf-- my bet is that they're like MY grandparents.
I honestly have no idea what has happened to the Dems, lately, but...they're not the loyal opposition they use to be. It worries me.
Gov. P. is a GOOD woman. I'm glad it shines.
Unbelievable--at 87, no less!
Great post! I love the poster comparing Obama and McCain, too.
OMG - what a flippin crack-up! I think this is the same "epidemic" that will hit all of America. Good Post my friend.
wow. i dunno what else to say.....wolfie, ur parents were always allright in my books, but now..they just went up a few notches from allright to kickass lol :)
Tell them not to worry, they are not alone. My In-Laws and wife, all good Democrats, never voted for a Republican Presidental candidate before, are doing the same.
Best Wishes to them both.
the warmest of feelings that this Great Country of ours is beginning to see through the facade of a Party that is without Soul......
I'm with ya there.
KT's reporting that the press is getting boo-ed on the campaign trail! That;'s amazing.
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