I saw this video posted on a number of sites today, not the least of which was FOX NEWS which asked the question, "Cute or Creepy?"
As soon as the little girl was joined and the chorus raised, I couldn't help but remember this.........
Be extremely careful of what raises your Heart. That's why they call it Propoganda.
A Happy and Safe Rosh Hashana.
*Oh Fatherland.......O Bamaland*
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Coincidence of Dates......

This is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. A day of repentance and the New Year. So, a Happy and prosperous year to my Jewish Friends.
It is also the Seventieth anniversary of the Munich Accord of 1938. Briefly, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned to London with a Treaty signed by Adolph Hitler.
The British Prime Minister proclaimed that he had brought "Peace in our Time…Peace with Honor," .........he was hailed as a Hero for his Diplomacy. He sat down with Hitler and Mussolini without "pre-conditions", and triumphed.
As History shows, it was a short lived "triumph". Hitler played him for the Fool, and embarked on swallowing most of Europe in rise.
Chamberlain was an Appeaser. He felt, strike that, Knew that problems between Countries could be resolved by communication and trust.
Martin Gilbert, Churchill's biographer, wrote that "Appeasement was rooted in the belief that human nature could not be entirely overwhelmed by evil, that even the most dangerous looking situation could be ameliorated and that the most irascible politician could be placated, if treated with respect."
Churchill himself, before the House of Commons in 1938, spoke that Chamberlain didn't "understand" what he was doing, and that Great Britain "has sustained a defeat without a war…."
Chamberlain was a shrewd businessman, to be fair, but he didn't have the healthy cynicism necessary to deal with people of Hitler and Mussolinis ilk.
The tie in to today? Appeasement, and naivete, and as John McCain stated in the debate, "The Senator doesn't understand....."
That same year, 1938, Hitler spoke at Nuremberg, saying, ""I am in no way willing that here in the heart of Germany a second Palestine should be permitted to arise. The poor Arabs are defenseless and deserted. The Germans in Czechoslovakia are neither defenseless, nor are they deserted, and people should take notice of that."
I do so try....not really hard with my apprentice writing skills....to keep my posts short, so if you'd like more information, just google "Munich Accord"...lots of extremely interesting History for buffs.....
That being said, what bothers me most is my Belief that Time is a Wheel, that Those who do not Learn from History are destined to repeat it. We truly are in interesting Times. I'd prefer them not to become Horrific.
Munich Accord, Rosh Hashana, Palestine, the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia, Hitler, Chamberlain........If History is to serve us well, I'd say that both Churchill and McCain spoke words much more deep than their mere utterance.
"He doesn't Understand."
We need to Understand that.
Have a happy.
munich Accord,
Saturday, September 27, 2008

"She"....yes, as in Dragn....might become....well, lets just say "annoyed", at my discussing Relational issues in this now semi-public forum, but.......oops. She chose me, and all the goofiness that comes with me.
Once again, no editing....well, 'cept spelling, and we'll let the chips fall where they may.
Here's my thought......actually a question, I suppose......Have you ever thought that your *insert favorite term here*......spouse, significant other, best friend, et cetera......was "less bright" than you?
Hands in the air.........Ok. Those who didn't raise their hands.....*fibbers*....don't need to read any more. We all think it ocassionally. Come on.......you have a "better" way to do things. I Know that I do. It hit me this morning when the Fridge icemaker was pouring water on the floor......
"I'll fix it.", said ol' Wollf, as his Dragn climbed up and over, into the most precarious of positions.....*I'm laughing as I remember*....bottom high, hanging over the counter, proclaiming, "It's leaking right here!"..flashlight in hand......
I KNEW what the problem was. I didn't give advice.....for once.....not out loud, any way.......definitely didn't say anything denigrating Her ability at diagnosis....and trotted off to that Heaven/Hell/Horrid Haven of Home Depot for parts to fix the problem.
While I was gone, I realised that we all give......advice to our Loved One....unsoliceted......and typically, at least in my experience, counter productive. We think that we know the "WAY"........and even though we may be correct, it hurts our relationship.....
That make any sense? Sometimes, Discretion is the better way to go. We keep doing the same old things, logically reasoning that it is "Right", and "Helpful".
Sure, it might make "logical" sense to interfere.....strike that......"advise and fill with our knowledge"...heh....but it doesn't work. Ill feelings, and feelings that are hurt, are things that you CAN'T fix.
The friggin' fridge can be. Relationships can't.
Be helpful. Be a Partner and a Friend. Cut the "I have to be right" stuff.
I giggled inside....not outwardly, and was a Helper. It worked out well, and we had a Great day, with no arguments.........
Oh.......still don't have any water or ice out of the fridge....I hates plumbing.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back to My Roots.......
Having "just enough" concerns on the Lair Front and Alpha Leadership fronts that I think I'm prepared to go back to the earlier style of my goofy writing and work some things through, both Spiritually and Mentally.
Actually, I enjoyed the angst writing, and the self examination more than this political tripe....I'm tired of the election, I know who I'm going to vote for and this silly ass Blog is going to change no ones mind.
So....Let's go Totem, shall we? Sometimes the little ones need a bit of help. I've chosen this one first because it will remind me of the problem to address a bit later. You'll understand.....you me...metaphors in metaphors, wrapped in similes....
Oh.....the "problems" have Nothing to do with a certain Dragn.....that is a call to me as strong as the Moon. It shall not be ripped asunder.
More tonite....I've found a bunch of "Musings" like this video....
Oh....and if you didn't think teaching little Wolfie to howl was adorable.....maybe you belong reading on LOL Cats......
Could be fun.
Actually, I enjoyed the angst writing, and the self examination more than this political tripe....I'm tired of the election, I know who I'm going to vote for and this silly ass Blog is going to change no ones mind.
So....Let's go Totem, shall we? Sometimes the little ones need a bit of help. I've chosen this one first because it will remind me of the problem to address a bit later. You'll understand.....you me...metaphors in metaphors, wrapped in similes....
Oh.....the "problems" have Nothing to do with a certain Dragn.....that is a call to me as strong as the Moon. It shall not be ripped asunder.
More tonite....I've found a bunch of "Musings" like this video....
Oh....and if you didn't think teaching little Wolfie to howl was adorable.....maybe you belong reading on LOL Cats......
Could be fun.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mission San Buena Ventura
Just because it makes me feel good. I'm a semi lapsed Catholic Boy, that has a lot of dealings with the loacl Parishes in Ventura County.
We just got the fixtures....completely restored......back into my warehouse, and ready for reinstallation in the main Mission proper. The fixtures are original, back to the building, originally candelabra, changed to electric in the early 1900s and were more than ready for a bit of tender care.

If you're in the area, the Mission is one of the oldest, and prettiest that I've seen. Take a gander.

Being the "Official Company Catholic" has its rewards.....these things are beautiful....and quite possibly priceless.

Hope the boyz don't drop one.........
That's what I've been playing with today.......
Oh....Eff Ahmadinnerjacket, Iran's head Mullahs and Larry King.....you figure out why.
We just got the fixtures....completely restored......back into my warehouse, and ready for reinstallation in the main Mission proper. The fixtures are original, back to the building, originally candelabra, changed to electric in the early 1900s and were more than ready for a bit of tender care.

If you're in the area, the Mission is one of the oldest, and prettiest that I've seen. Take a gander.

Being the "Official Company Catholic" has its rewards.....these things are beautiful....and quite possibly priceless.

Hope the boyz don't drop one.........
That's what I've been playing with today.......
Oh....Eff Ahmadinnerjacket, Iran's head Mullahs and Larry King.....you figure out why.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Few more reasons why.........
And, I won't even tell you the what.....sheesh, these people and the empty suit.
First, how well is that first Summit meeting gonna go?

Then, we alredy know that our Enemies support him........

Captain Communism supports him.........he is a Socialist after all......

And I just ran into this.........
What a friggin' Pendejo.......
First, how well is that first Summit meeting gonna go?

Then, we alredy know that our Enemies support him........

Captain Communism supports him.........he is a Socialist after all......

And I just ran into this.........
What a friggin' Pendejo.......
Friday, September 19, 2008
All right........
Now that I'm done with that bit of Vile Bile....it reminds me.
Did EVERYONE forget what day this is? And I mean besides POW Remembrance day.....that should be every friggin' day.
Today, me Hearties, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
So, if'n yers been fergittin how to do it, a brief refresher from the Greatest Pirate of 'em all.......
See how I can pop right back from a bad mood?
All, say it with me, 1....2....3..."Arrrrrrrgh"
Dontcha feel a bit better?
Oh yeah, Go University of Arizona...at the Rose Bowl tomorrow.
Did EVERYONE forget what day this is? And I mean besides POW Remembrance day.....that should be every friggin' day.
Today, me Hearties, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
So, if'n yers been fergittin how to do it, a brief refresher from the Greatest Pirate of 'em all.......
See how I can pop right back from a bad mood?
All, say it with me, 1....2....3..."Arrrrrrrgh"
Dontcha feel a bit better?
Oh yeah, Go University of Arizona...at the Rose Bowl tomorrow.
My gosh....

I had visited one of my daily "Site Reads", SondraK, this morning, and one of her Posts was a rather poignant bit on the Memorial services for Spree DeSha, the Los Angeles Police Officer who was killed in that horrific Metrolink crash the other day.
Reading about "dead Cops" opens a deep wound in my Soul each and every time. Those of you who have hung around the Lair long enough know the story of my Firstborn. I won't go into it again, don't need tears this morning.....I'd prefer to embrace the Rage that has burst forth.......
*if you're curious about my She-Cub, I think my search thingie works, try Heather or Chicago*
Back to the erupting rage. A number of sympathetic comments were made, I was feeling rather nostalgic, when "BLAM", some miscreant Son of a Bitch commented that "I swear to God...are there any female cops who AREN’T bull dykes??" ...
Eff this dumb Bastard. Yah....just a crass, low class joke. But it hit me quite hard, and I really, really have the short term desire to knock his friggin' block off. Oh, I won't, by any means....it's the blogosphere, after all.......
I sent a note of apology to the Blog writer for my "Return Fire". Yup, forgot to expletive delete before posting.
I've added Sondra K to my sidebar under daily reads, if you'd like to visit. Not going to link it in the body of this meandering post, because ya never know what kind of firestorm can grow. She has a fun, sarcastic Site....check it out.
You needn't bother to take the Varmint to task, as I know some of you have my back. He made a mistake, put his foot in his mouth, and now I feel better for having vented. Thanks for putting up with me.
Now I don't have to break out my "babies".......

Think I'll go for a run at lunch.....got a bit of energy to release in a "positive" manner.
Oh....with thanks to ET who made a good comment over there, and apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, "If you refer to a dead Police Officer as a Bull Dyke.....You just might be a D#ckhead"......nope, I'm sure of it. You ARE a D#ckhead.
Peace to the deceased Officer and her surviving Companion.
Deus Vult,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It All makes Sense now.........
Conspiracy Theorist Has Elaborate Explanation For Why He's Single
SIOUX FALLS, SD—In light of a broken engagement two years ago, area school-bus driver and longtime conspiracy enthusiast Robert Ericsson outlined an intricate theory to reporters Tuesday to explain his failure to begin a new relationship.
"I am alone today due to the covert machinations of dozens, possibly hundreds of women in several countries," Ericsson, 38, said. "What we are looking at is a plot of epic proportions, which may seem counterintuitive, but that is, in fact, precisely what they would like you to believe."

Conspiracy Theorist
Go read the whole article.......
Think that's what has been happening to me? Failure after failure, from California to Florida.......a Plot, I tell ya!!
Luckily, I've enlisted the help of a super sekrit Dragn Agent to end this problem....
SIOUX FALLS, SD—In light of a broken engagement two years ago, area school-bus driver and longtime conspiracy enthusiast Robert Ericsson outlined an intricate theory to reporters Tuesday to explain his failure to begin a new relationship.
"I am alone today due to the covert machinations of dozens, possibly hundreds of women in several countries," Ericsson, 38, said. "What we are looking at is a plot of epic proportions, which may seem counterintuitive, but that is, in fact, precisely what they would like you to believe."

Conspiracy Theorist
Go read the whole article.......
Think that's what has been happening to me? Failure after failure, from California to Florida.......a Plot, I tell ya!!
Luckily, I've enlisted the help of a super sekrit Dragn Agent to end this problem....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Little Lesson about Horses........
In my younger years, I spent a Lot of time around Horses. Wrangling, a bit of Cowboying, and a bunch of just plain riding.
When you spend time with Horses, you learn a lot about them, and I mean more than the difference between a foreleg and a fetlock. Horses don't need People to survive. When properly "socialized", a Horse becomes a powerful "tool" and a strong "friend".
You treat your Horse with gentleness and respect, and he'll do just about anything for you. If you forget that he is a highly intelligent creature, (albeit in a much different way than a Human), and that their are limits to what he will take, you just might be reminded of just how puny you are.......
This fellah, *spell a$$hat*, learned that lesson.
http://view.break.com/572163 - Watch more free videos
When I watched it, I saw with my ADD mind, a rather fitting metaphor for the American People and their Government. Heh, and yet seriously.
Our "Leaders" continue to force their ideas on Us in ways not unlike the Nitwit in the video. They have begun to take our intelligence and our strength as a People for granted. They think that they are "top of the food chain" sort of smart.
They've abandoned a gentle guidance for the Good of All, for the strong hand of "Governing without Representing". Yes, a bit different than "without Representation".
They promise the world as a Utopia, and then when elected, become the self serving a$$hats that we see in Washington, Representing no one but themselves.
Maybe it's time for a quick, hard kick in the teeth to those folks in Washington with their puny little whip. Maybe changing to someone who understands the needs of the Horse......
We'll see.
When you spend time with Horses, you learn a lot about them, and I mean more than the difference between a foreleg and a fetlock. Horses don't need People to survive. When properly "socialized", a Horse becomes a powerful "tool" and a strong "friend".
You treat your Horse with gentleness and respect, and he'll do just about anything for you. If you forget that he is a highly intelligent creature, (albeit in a much different way than a Human), and that their are limits to what he will take, you just might be reminded of just how puny you are.......
This fellah, *spell a$$hat*, learned that lesson.
http://view.break.com/572163 - Watch more free videos
When I watched it, I saw with my ADD mind, a rather fitting metaphor for the American People and their Government. Heh, and yet seriously.
Our "Leaders" continue to force their ideas on Us in ways not unlike the Nitwit in the video. They have begun to take our intelligence and our strength as a People for granted. They think that they are "top of the food chain" sort of smart.
They've abandoned a gentle guidance for the Good of All, for the strong hand of "Governing without Representing". Yes, a bit different than "without Representation".
They promise the world as a Utopia, and then when elected, become the self serving a$$hats that we see in Washington, Representing no one but themselves.
Maybe it's time for a quick, hard kick in the teeth to those folks in Washington with their puny little whip. Maybe changing to someone who understands the needs of the Horse......
We'll see.
Government and a kick in the teeth,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Well, just in case you wondered........
Wollf and his Grand-Cubbette.......
Wollf may not be the mostest good lookingest Predator in the Woods....but somehow G-d was kind enough to just pass the "durn good lookin'" parts on to his Progeny.
What a total delight she is......and I am doing my best to live up to a Grandsires responsibility....you know, "Hey, Gampa......shhh, let's go sneak a cookie...hee hee"
We ate a lot of cookies, much to #2 She-Cubs chagrin. (Had milk too.....proper nutrition, doncha know)

Taught her how to fist touch and pump the little arms while shouting Ooh Rah, the proper method of Horsie riding....gonna blow her daddys knee out for sure, took Uber for walks, played with Ransom and her very own Hamster in a Dog suit.....sheesh, I thought Ransom was gonna eat the little thing......

Yes...that really is a "dog"....or at the very least a multi-lingual Hamster....it makes funny barking noises.......
Then there was Ransom, all fired up by the Hamster, sneaking up on unsuspecting Cubs for the kill shot.....

Quite the Wonderful time....now their gone to the 'Zona to visit #2's Momma and the Sar'Major.....heh, what fun for ever-bodies except maybe one young Fellah.....
Pray for him. Sar' Major takes no prisoners......
What a total delight she is......and I am doing my best to live up to a Grandsires responsibility....you know, "Hey, Gampa......shhh, let's go sneak a cookie...hee hee"
We ate a lot of cookies, much to #2 She-Cubs chagrin. (Had milk too.....proper nutrition, doncha know)

Taught her how to fist touch and pump the little arms while shouting Ooh Rah, the proper method of Horsie riding....gonna blow her daddys knee out for sure, took Uber for walks, played with Ransom and her very own Hamster in a Dog suit.....sheesh, I thought Ransom was gonna eat the little thing......

Yes...that really is a "dog"....or at the very least a multi-lingual Hamster....it makes funny barking noises.......
Then there was Ransom, all fired up by the Hamster, sneaking up on unsuspecting Cubs for the kill shot.....

Quite the Wonderful time....now their gone to the 'Zona to visit #2's Momma and the Sar'Major.....heh, what fun for ever-bodies except maybe one young Fellah.....
Pray for him. Sar' Major takes no prisoners......
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hold that thought.....
Aaagh.....having problems uploading tonite......tomorrow for anyone interested, promise.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Haven't been Blogging........
Friday, September 12, 2008
For the Well Read.......
Just wanted to help out with the Campaign Posters.....this one for the obscure bookreading crowd.........

What was the name of his ship?
And then...having had a lovely daughter who happened to be a Peace Officer....I don't really see a problem with "Lipstick on a Pig".........srsly.

Back with Grandbaby adventures later....and pics too.....

What was the name of his ship?
And then...having had a lovely daughter who happened to be a Peace Officer....I don't really see a problem with "Lipstick on a Pig".........srsly.

Back with Grandbaby adventures later....and pics too.....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Never Forget.......
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Free Speech Dead?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It's a Meltdown..........
Notice a difference in the Obama campaign since Sarah Palin joined on with McCain? It seems all the nut-root, moonbat Leftard or nothings are melting down.
Seems than Bile will melt anything.....

Thanks to the SWeasel for allowing all to use her art.
Feel free as well, but do me a favor and write better and more amusing than I, ok?
Seems than Bile will melt anything.....

Thanks to the SWeasel for allowing all to use her art.
Feel free as well, but do me a favor and write better and more amusing than I, ok?
Follow Me..........
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ok, Ok....the Vet trip.......
So, how did it go? A few scratches here and there for Dragn. She wrapped him up like a large Kitteh Burrito in a beach towel.....The vet prodded and poked and did all those things a Vet does to check the Kittehs healthfulness....
Disassembled the little beastie, gave him a distemper shot.....don't think it'll help his temper any.....Then when it came time to put the Kitteh back together...

I simply cannot believe the amount of Kitteh Blogging going on. The Theocracy must be proud of its Pater of Prowling.......
Oh, and just kidding......Kitteh and Dragn came through unscathed. Here's a picture of Ransom of Red Chief in all his Healthiness......

Disassembled the little beastie, gave him a distemper shot.....don't think it'll help his temper any.....Then when it came time to put the Kitteh back together...

I simply cannot believe the amount of Kitteh Blogging going on. The Theocracy must be proud of its Pater of Prowling.......
Oh, and just kidding......Kitteh and Dragn came through unscathed. Here's a picture of Ransom of Red Chief in all his Healthiness......

Uber and Ransom......
The Big Bang....Revisited......oh boy.
On Wednesday, Scientists will fire up the Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile-long doughnut-shaped tunnel that will smash sub-atomic particles together at nearly the speed of light.
Built by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the collider lies beneath the French-Swiss border, near the institution’s headquarters in Geneva, at depths ranging from 170ft to 600ft.
The aim of the £4.4billion experiment is to recreate the conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang – the birth of the universe – and provide vital clues to the building blocks of life.
It will track the spray of particles thrown out by collisions in a search for the elusive Higgs Boson, a theoretical entity that supposedly lends weight, or mass, to the elementary particles. So important is this mysterious substance that it has been called the ‘God Particle’.
Scientists also hope to shed some light on the invisible material that exists between particles – dubbed ‘dark matter’ as no one knows what it really is – which makes up most of the universe.
*Skeptics, cynics and generally everbody who ISN'T a Physicist....well, quite frankly, either don't care, or hope that it doesn't start a chain reaction that destroys the Universe......
Here's a little hip-hop, Physics video to explain what they "hope" happens.....
Me.....I'm going to have a few adult libations, and see if I'm still here on Thursday.
If not.....well, it's been nice.
Built by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the collider lies beneath the French-Swiss border, near the institution’s headquarters in Geneva, at depths ranging from 170ft to 600ft.
The aim of the £4.4billion experiment is to recreate the conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang – the birth of the universe – and provide vital clues to the building blocks of life.
It will track the spray of particles thrown out by collisions in a search for the elusive Higgs Boson, a theoretical entity that supposedly lends weight, or mass, to the elementary particles. So important is this mysterious substance that it has been called the ‘God Particle’.
Scientists also hope to shed some light on the invisible material that exists between particles – dubbed ‘dark matter’ as no one knows what it really is – which makes up most of the universe.
*Skeptics, cynics and generally everbody who ISN'T a Physicist....well, quite frankly, either don't care, or hope that it doesn't start a chain reaction that destroys the Universe......
Here's a little hip-hop, Physics video to explain what they "hope" happens.....
Me.....I'm going to have a few adult libations, and see if I'm still here on Thursday.
If not.....well, it's been nice.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tomorrow Morning.......
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Great Ceasars Ghost!!!!!
Any readers....the very few.....please make truly sure that you check your End of the World, Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado.......or hell, even your Volcano Survival Kits......
It is Coming. Armageddon. The End of Existence. It's OVER, my Friends, done. Oh, thinking back on that last.........screw the Kits.....just swing by the Lair, we'll tip a few to the "End", and enjoy the fireworks of our demise........
My Momma called me at the end of my day today, and asked, " Wollf, are you sitting down? Because I have to tell you something about your Father, the Sar'Major.....", and then drifted off into silence......
Understand, that the Sar'Major and Momma are 87 years old, and I happen to be 600 miles away......
PANIC.....and the words escaped my lips....."He died?", I croaked.
"No, worse than that, Son."......once again the empty sound of deep concern......
"Aaaagh, Momma, He had a stroke? Broke his hip and will never walk again? Momma?.....", I trailed off......
"No, Wollf", she whispered, "Worse than that, and it includes Me."
Gentle readers, I was floored with worry. *The house was being foreclosed, They decided to move into a "Home", A suicide pact......what could possibly be "worse" than the Sar'Majors death?
"He is voting for John McCain.....*subdued voice*....the Republican. And so am I."
I didn't know what to say.....these two Fine and Grand Patriots.....you know about the sacrifices of my Sire in his Service to the Corps and Country....3 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Stars and a Silver Star in just one of his escapades in the South Pacific....Momma working during the War years at the Pentagon with Clearances that I could never have, while getting ready to have her baby........*bite that one, Barack*.....
My Momma and the Sar'Major have voted "D" for Democrat, Liberal....since FDR....completely, from President down to Dog Catcher.....Party Liners, never even gave the "Opposition" a thought........Srsly.....Never.
I finally stammered, "What Happened?"......and She responded quite strongly, "Two things, Wollfie....That Woman is a Good Person. She is Salt of the Earth, and those Jerks are trying to make hay of some ridiculous, meaningless....Personal problems in her Family. How DARE they?"
And number 2? That which sent the Sar'Major, dedicated FDR Liberal, over the edge?
It was this picture.........
The Sar'Major, and my Momma........the Staunchest of Demcrats...to the point of "Weapons being Drawn" on more than one occasion......
Are voting Republican. Their Hearts. They GET it......I feel filled with Courage...not "hope", and the warmest of feelings that this Great Country of ours is beginning to see through the facade of a Party that is without Soul......
G-d bless America. G-d give me a few more years to have the Sar'Major and Momma, ....Life is good.
Gotta go listen to Sarah's speech..........
And.....The Picture was Respectfully stolen from KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
It is Coming. Armageddon. The End of Existence. It's OVER, my Friends, done. Oh, thinking back on that last.........screw the Kits.....just swing by the Lair, we'll tip a few to the "End", and enjoy the fireworks of our demise........
My Momma called me at the end of my day today, and asked, " Wollf, are you sitting down? Because I have to tell you something about your Father, the Sar'Major.....", and then drifted off into silence......
Understand, that the Sar'Major and Momma are 87 years old, and I happen to be 600 miles away......
PANIC.....and the words escaped my lips....."He died?", I croaked.
"No, worse than that, Son."......once again the empty sound of deep concern......
"Aaaagh, Momma, He had a stroke? Broke his hip and will never walk again? Momma?.....", I trailed off......
"No, Wollf", she whispered, "Worse than that, and it includes Me."
Gentle readers, I was floored with worry. *The house was being foreclosed, They decided to move into a "Home", A suicide pact......what could possibly be "worse" than the Sar'Majors death?
"He is voting for John McCain.....*subdued voice*....the Republican. And so am I."
I didn't know what to say.....these two Fine and Grand Patriots.....you know about the sacrifices of my Sire in his Service to the Corps and Country....3 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Stars and a Silver Star in just one of his escapades in the South Pacific....Momma working during the War years at the Pentagon with Clearances that I could never have, while getting ready to have her baby........*bite that one, Barack*.....
My Momma and the Sar'Major have voted "D" for Democrat, Liberal....since FDR....completely, from President down to Dog Catcher.....Party Liners, never even gave the "Opposition" a thought........Srsly.....Never.
I finally stammered, "What Happened?"......and She responded quite strongly, "Two things, Wollfie....That Woman is a Good Person. She is Salt of the Earth, and those Jerks are trying to make hay of some ridiculous, meaningless....Personal problems in her Family. How DARE they?"
And number 2? That which sent the Sar'Major, dedicated FDR Liberal, over the edge?
It was this picture.........

The Sar'Major, and my Momma........the Staunchest of Demcrats...to the point of "Weapons being Drawn" on more than one occasion......
Are voting Republican. Their Hearts. They GET it......I feel filled with Courage...not "hope", and the warmest of feelings that this Great Country of ours is beginning to see through the facade of a Party that is without Soul......
G-d bless America. G-d give me a few more years to have the Sar'Major and Momma, ....Life is good.
Gotta go listen to Sarah's speech..........
And.....The Picture was Respectfully stolen from KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Mike the Marine........
Does it again. If you're in the mood for a moving video with excellent voice over, go check out FROM THE HALLS TO THE SHORES
Monday, September 1, 2008
With a whole lot of Thanks.....
To my Friend Rose.....thank you for the input via e-mail. This Lady has a first rate "niche" Blog for Humboldt County California, and her dedication to research always amazes me........Damm good thing she's happily married....Wollf doesn't do good with the cold......WATCHPAUL
Remember Bill Ayers, friend and confidant of the Democratic Candidated for President of these United States? The fellow in whose living room Barack Hussein Obamas' political career began?
I didn't remember all of these, but I definitely remember a number.....I was a Junior in high school in '69, and the Weather Undergound and Black Panthers and of course the SDS were all the News.......
Here is the "resume" of an American terrorist:
7 October 1969 ˆ Bombing of Haymarket Police Statue in Chicago, apparently as a 'kickoff' for the 'Days of Rage' riots in the city October 8-11, 1969. The Weathermen later claimed credit for the bombing in their book, 'Prairie Fire.'
8-11 October 1969 ˆ The 'Days of Rage' riots occur in Chicago in which 287 Weatherman members from throughout the country were arrested and a large amount of property damage was done.
6 December 1969 ˆBombing of several Chicago Police cars parked in a precinct parking lot at 3600 North Halsted Street, Chicago. The WUO stated in their book 'Prairie Fire' that they had did the explosion.
27-31 December 1969 ˆ Weathermen hold a 'War Council' meeting in Flint, MI, where they finalize their plans to submerge into an underground status from which they plan to commit strategic acts of sabotage against the government. Thereafter they are called the 'Weather Underground Organization' (WUO).
13 February 1970 - Bombing of several police vehicles of the Berkeley, California, Police Department.
16 February 1970 ˆBombing of Golden Gate Park branch of the San Francisco Police Department, killing one officer and injuring a number of other policemen.
6 March 1970 ˆBombing in the 13th Police District of the Detroit, Michigan. 34 sticks of dynamite are discovered. During February and early March, 1970, members of the WUO, led by Bill Ayers, are reported to be in Detroit, during that period, for the purpose of bombing a police facility.
6 March 1970 ˆ'bomb factory' located in New York's Greenwich Village accidentally explodes. WUO members die . The bomb was intended to be planted at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed with nails TO INFILICT MAXIMUM CASUALTIES UPON DETONATION.
30 March 1970 ˆChicago Police discover a WUO 'bomb factory' on Chicago's north side. A subsequent discovery of a WUO 'weapons cache' in a south side Chicago apartment several days later ends WUO activity in the city.
10 May 1970 ˆBombing of The National Guard Association building in Washington, D.C..
21 May 1970 ˆThe WUO under Bernardine Dohrn's (Ayers' current wife) name releases its 'Declaration of a State of War' communique.
6 June 1970 ˆ The WUO sends a letter claiming credit for bombing of the San Francisco Hall of Justice; however, no explosion actually took place. Months later, workmen in this building located an unexploded device which had apparently been dormant for some time.
9 June 1970 - Bombing of The New York City Police Headquarters.
27 July 1970 - Bombing of The Presidio army base in San Francisco. [NYT, 7/27/70]
12 September 1970 ˆThe WUO helps Dr. Timothy Leary, break out and escape from the California Men's Colony prison.
8 October 1970 - Bombing of Marin County courthouse. [NYT, 8/10/70]
10 October 1970 - Bombing of Queens traffic-court building. [NYT, 10/10/70, p. 12]
14 October 1970 - Bombing of The Harvard Center for International Affairs [NYT, 10/14/70, p. 30]
1 March 1971 - Bombing of The United States Capitol.' [NYT, 3/2/71]
April, 1971 ˆabandoned WUO 'bomb factory' discovered in San Francisco, California.
29 August, 1971 - Bombing of the Office of California Prisons. [LAT, 8/29/71]
17 September 1971 - Bombing of The New York Department of Corrections in Albany, NY [NYT, 9/18/71]
15 October 1971 - Bombing of William Bundy's office in the MIT research center. [NYT, 10/16/71]
19 May 1972 - Bombing of The Pentagon. [NYT, 5/19/72]
18 May 1973 - Bombing of the 103rd Police Precinct in New York
28 September 1973 - Bombing of ITT headquarters in New York and Rome, Italy. [NYT, 9/28/73]
6 March 1974 - Bombing of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare offices in San Francisco
31 May 1974 - Bombing of The Office of the California Attorney General.
17 June 1974 - Bombing of Gulf Oil's Pittsburgh headquarters.
11 September 1974 ˆ Bombing of Anaconda Corporation (part of the Rockefeller Corporation).
29 January 1975 - Bombing of the State Department (AP. 'State Department Rattled by Blast,' The Daily Times-News, January 29 1975, p.1)
16 June 1975 - Bombing of Banco de Ponce (a Puerto Rican bank) in New York.
September, 1975 ˆBombing of the Kennecott Corporation.
October 20, 1981 - Brinks robbery in which several members of the Weather Underground stole over $1 million from a Brinks armored car near Nyack, New York. The robbers murdered 2 police officers and 1 Brinks guard. Several others were wounded.
1981 'Guilty as hell*. Free as a bird. America is a great country,' Ayers said when interviewed by David Horowitz.
September 11, 2001 'I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.' Ayers is quoted in a New York Times article.
"Now - Obama said John McCain said he would follow Osama to the ends of the earth, but wouldn't follow him to his cave - yet Barack is buddies with this guy?"
"...There's an irony here"........AND.......in Wollfs' mind, there's truth to the words that my Granfather, and probably yours also, heeded.
"A Man is judged by the company he keeps."
Period. End of story for my vote. I don't wish Mr. Obama ill by any means, but I pray that a man who keeps close company with America hating Preachers, financial scalliwags and Terrorists, because that is exactly what Bill Ayers is........
A Terrorist. Are you going to vote for his "friend" for the position of President?
Eff that.
Wollf....decidely for the McCain-Palin ticket. Don't love the guy....but he gets the vote. I won't take a chance on the lack of Patriotic character in the "other" guy.
Remember Bill Ayers, friend and confidant of the Democratic Candidated for President of these United States? The fellow in whose living room Barack Hussein Obamas' political career began?
I didn't remember all of these, but I definitely remember a number.....I was a Junior in high school in '69, and the Weather Undergound and Black Panthers and of course the SDS were all the News.......
Here is the "resume" of an American terrorist:
7 October 1969 ˆ Bombing of Haymarket Police Statue in Chicago, apparently as a 'kickoff' for the 'Days of Rage' riots in the city October 8-11, 1969. The Weathermen later claimed credit for the bombing in their book, 'Prairie Fire.'
8-11 October 1969 ˆ The 'Days of Rage' riots occur in Chicago in which 287 Weatherman members from throughout the country were arrested and a large amount of property damage was done.
6 December 1969 ˆBombing of several Chicago Police cars parked in a precinct parking lot at 3600 North Halsted Street, Chicago. The WUO stated in their book 'Prairie Fire' that they had did the explosion.
27-31 December 1969 ˆ Weathermen hold a 'War Council' meeting in Flint, MI, where they finalize their plans to submerge into an underground status from which they plan to commit strategic acts of sabotage against the government. Thereafter they are called the 'Weather Underground Organization' (WUO).
13 February 1970 - Bombing of several police vehicles of the Berkeley, California, Police Department.
16 February 1970 ˆBombing of Golden Gate Park branch of the San Francisco Police Department, killing one officer and injuring a number of other policemen.
6 March 1970 ˆBombing in the 13th Police District of the Detroit, Michigan. 34 sticks of dynamite are discovered. During February and early March, 1970, members of the WUO, led by Bill Ayers, are reported to be in Detroit, during that period, for the purpose of bombing a police facility.
6 March 1970 ˆ'bomb factory' located in New York's Greenwich Village accidentally explodes. WUO members die . The bomb was intended to be planted at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed with nails TO INFILICT MAXIMUM CASUALTIES UPON DETONATION.
30 March 1970 ˆChicago Police discover a WUO 'bomb factory' on Chicago's north side. A subsequent discovery of a WUO 'weapons cache' in a south side Chicago apartment several days later ends WUO activity in the city.
10 May 1970 ˆBombing of The National Guard Association building in Washington, D.C..
21 May 1970 ˆThe WUO under Bernardine Dohrn's (Ayers' current wife) name releases its 'Declaration of a State of War' communique.
6 June 1970 ˆ The WUO sends a letter claiming credit for bombing of the San Francisco Hall of Justice; however, no explosion actually took place. Months later, workmen in this building located an unexploded device which had apparently been dormant for some time.
9 June 1970 - Bombing of The New York City Police Headquarters.
27 July 1970 - Bombing of The Presidio army base in San Francisco. [NYT, 7/27/70]
12 September 1970 ˆThe WUO helps Dr. Timothy Leary, break out and escape from the California Men's Colony prison.
8 October 1970 - Bombing of Marin County courthouse. [NYT, 8/10/70]
10 October 1970 - Bombing of Queens traffic-court building. [NYT, 10/10/70, p. 12]
14 October 1970 - Bombing of The Harvard Center for International Affairs [NYT, 10/14/70, p. 30]
1 March 1971 - Bombing of The United States Capitol.' [NYT, 3/2/71]
April, 1971 ˆabandoned WUO 'bomb factory' discovered in San Francisco, California.
29 August, 1971 - Bombing of the Office of California Prisons. [LAT, 8/29/71]
17 September 1971 - Bombing of The New York Department of Corrections in Albany, NY [NYT, 9/18/71]
15 October 1971 - Bombing of William Bundy's office in the MIT research center. [NYT, 10/16/71]
19 May 1972 - Bombing of The Pentagon. [NYT, 5/19/72]
18 May 1973 - Bombing of the 103rd Police Precinct in New York
28 September 1973 - Bombing of ITT headquarters in New York and Rome, Italy. [NYT, 9/28/73]
6 March 1974 - Bombing of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare offices in San Francisco
31 May 1974 - Bombing of The Office of the California Attorney General.
17 June 1974 - Bombing of Gulf Oil's Pittsburgh headquarters.
11 September 1974 ˆ Bombing of Anaconda Corporation (part of the Rockefeller Corporation).
29 January 1975 - Bombing of the State Department (AP. 'State Department Rattled by Blast,' The Daily Times-News, January 29 1975, p.1)
16 June 1975 - Bombing of Banco de Ponce (a Puerto Rican bank) in New York.
September, 1975 ˆBombing of the Kennecott Corporation.
October 20, 1981 - Brinks robbery in which several members of the Weather Underground stole over $1 million from a Brinks armored car near Nyack, New York. The robbers murdered 2 police officers and 1 Brinks guard. Several others were wounded.
1981 'Guilty as hell*. Free as a bird. America is a great country,' Ayers said when interviewed by David Horowitz.
September 11, 2001 'I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.' Ayers is quoted in a New York Times article.
"Now - Obama said John McCain said he would follow Osama to the ends of the earth, but wouldn't follow him to his cave - yet Barack is buddies with this guy?"
"...There's an irony here"........AND.......in Wollfs' mind, there's truth to the words that my Granfather, and probably yours also, heeded.
"A Man is judged by the company he keeps."
Period. End of story for my vote. I don't wish Mr. Obama ill by any means, but I pray that a man who keeps close company with America hating Preachers, financial scalliwags and Terrorists, because that is exactly what Bill Ayers is........
A Terrorist. Are you going to vote for his "friend" for the position of President?
Eff that.
Wollf....decidely for the McCain-Palin ticket. Don't love the guy....but he gets the vote. I won't take a chance on the lack of Patriotic character in the "other" guy.
Bill Ayers,
obama and weather undergound,
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