
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

......The New Leader of the GOP?........

This Art was done by none other than one of Wollf's Fave Bloggers, S.Weasel ........

The Onion, the wonderfully funny, satirical Faux News Blog, has their own take on it.....well basically, they made Her idea a Video.........

Hilarious, Guys and Gals......but it seems that Credit should be given, dontcha think?

So, there you go.....I'll give credit. Miss Weasel grasciously let's anyone purloin her creations, and she tickles my funny bone often.......

Funny stuff at both sites, srsly.


Snarky Basterd said...

It's too funny because it's too true.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Yup.....and just had a thought after reading your snark on Biden going to Afghanistan...if Zombie Reagan did exist, he'd go hungry in the presence of Sheriff Joe.

Adding you to my Sidebar if you don't mind!

Thanks for stopping by