
Sunday, October 4, 2009

To clear something up......

I just took down a Post....not because of the Post, but because there is a misunderstanding that I have to deal with in the Comments.

I just wrote an e-mail to one of the Gentlemen who commented. He was kind enough to throw his punch to me directly via my e-mail.

I've been accused of some stuff that is simply not true. If any of the "commenters" want an explanation, please contact Mitch....I'm not going to explain this to a hundred people......and I respect the privacy of where this all came from,,,,

Ok....I'm going to turn on the comment moderation for a bit, sit down and think as to whether keeping this little blog going.....

Be careful of the Internets, Folkes....weird stuff happens.


rthmcdragn said...

pretty crappy to be getting those types of comments...

1. from people who don't know you from adam...
2. who listen to a slighted, one sided lie...
3. about issues that don't even concern them...


Foxfier said...

Via Elf:
Humans suck.