
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Well, Hey, Howdy!

Seems, gentle friends, that Fluffy, Fuzzy Wollf has been "banned" from Facebook! "Suspicious" activity..... Because I go by my Nom de Plume?

Fer crying out loud, young Mister Zuckerberg...... Well, I answered.... Quite possibly to an unmanned e-mail, with this:


I just responded with a copy of my Drivers License. I am Dave Stevenson an American Citizen. This FB was set up, and has been acceptable to you folks for over Six years, as a "celebrity" site. An offshoot of my fairly popular Blog, Howling at the Moon. My Nom de plume is and always has been Wollf Howlsatmoon.

This is a "secondary" Tribal Name, non-white, given me at birth by my maternal Grandfather, a True Blood Peskotomahkati American Indian.

I have never degraded anyone, or even been overly critical you Accuse me of being "suspicious"?

If you wish my white name to be included, so be it, but the address should remain the same. Yes, I am a minor celeb....all Friends are vetted, and I do not request friends. They come to me. Please do not delete this account, nor lose my contacts. My Friends are concerned.

David B Stevenson, better known as,
Wollf B Howlsatmoon

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 21, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Facebook <> wrote
It looks like the name on your Facebook account may not be your authentic name. We ask everyone to use the name they go by in real life so friends know who they're connecting with. 
Please help us by responding with your first and last name. 
If the name on your account is already the name you use in everyday life, we would like to work with you to verify that this name best represents your identity. 
We accept a number of documents to allow you to verify your everyday name. Learn more in our Help Center:
We appreciate your patience, and thank you for being a member of the Facebook community. 
......I'm back. The customer support leaves much to be desired, and I am becoming understanding of the "FB NAZI" comments that I have seen and dismissed in the past.

I am now officially back. Somebody post a link to this on your FB? It will make me feel a bit better for those that might rightfully think I went and Died on you.

New posts, because the things inside need a vent. Send me a note.....E-mail is on the sidebar, "Want to give Wollf a punch in the Snoot?"

Talk in a much smaller bit.

The Facebook Team


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

Hi, Foxey! Yup.

Anonymous said...

How long did it take for you to get it back? I'm facing the same thing, and exact email, and was worried if it was a phishing one, but your post gives a bit of hope.

Anonymous said...

Ten year hiatus over and done.