
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Add Posting, hold on to your Focus........

Wollf is emotionally and physically exhausted. My knee feels better, my shoulder is coming along nicely, and.......

What in the heck is the deal with gym equipment nowadays? My offices have a full blown gym, Universal Stage trainer, treadmills, bikes, free weights and those climber thingies that make your legs ache.

I use the free weights and occasionally the stair step climbing thingie, but what is up with the treadmills? There's always somebody on the friggin things. I just don't get the appeal. Take a walk, People.

It's prettier, cooler, and you don't have to smell the old sweaty guy next to you. But no, it makes more sense to spend a grand on a treadmill so that you're stuck inside.....Wollf doesn't understand.

I felt great today. Took a non planned Muggle patch holiday today. I forgot to renew my prescription.....uh oh for the folks that work for and with me. They had gotten used to my relative normalcy over the last few months and then Bam! The Emeril seasoning heated things up.

Realize, please, that I'm not a head case or anything, it's just that the ADD takes me in directions that no Muggle person can predict. And.......I'm a little more impetuous in my decision making.

I was so full of Life and I just didn't feel like being in the office environment. So, I cut out for an early lunch hour, didn't tell anyone where I was going, and drove down to the Ventura Pier.......for a swim.

In January. Fifty two degrees.....I figure the air was a bit cooler than the ocean, but not a hell of a the words of a dear friend....Dayum!!! I just stripped down to my workout shorts, and ran at the waves.

The shock didn't hit me until I was about three strokes and thirty feet from shore. I made it round the Pier with only a bit of a shortcut between the pilings. The blood pump and adrenaline warmed me up pretty quickly, and I was probably only in the water for about five minutes......

People must have nothing better to do. Can you believe they stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I walked out of the ocean as though I was the crazy Man.
Heh.....they just couldn't understand. They were gawking, while Wolf was Living.

I felt so wonderful.

I kinda wish that my impetuosity had included bringing a towel......I grabbed my now sand filled clothes, ran up to the truck turned it on and changed. My lips were a different color than usual, kinda looked like a palsied rock star what with my shakes and purple lips.

I always seem to get the shivers when I'm warming up....which took a long time. I decided after the fact that it was probably a less than wholly logical thing to do....I shivered for about an hour back at the office.....but if you want to really feel have to feel.

Like that post last evening about Love. If you really want to Love and be Loved, you have to feel. I'm Loving a lot more since the breakup. I don't worry about what anyone else will think of me, how they'll react, whether or not they'll reciprocate.

I Love a number of People now. Because I understand what it is. Does anyone Love me? Probably so. In fact there's probably a few who do......all in different ways. And I bask in it, and try to do my best to accept it and be as good a Man and Loving friend that I can.

Life is good for Wollf. I turned yet another corner on the Journey this morning. I'm truly alive.

Oh yeah......Eff the Iranian Navy. All one destroyer, one sub, a few frigates and a little pile of missile boats. They mistook an American Air Craft Carrier for what? They thought it was a bus full of Jewish tourists? WTF?

I don't hate very much anymore, but I can truly say from the bottom of my heart that those people are no Daisies. They are not Daisies at all.

Embrace Life, find Love and hold onto it no matter the improbability. Take it as slowly as you feel necessary. It will come from a direction and a distance never imagined.

I've got some more banana split ice cream downstairs, this post made absolute sense to my Wizard mode mind, and I'm hungry.

My washing machine is being repaired and I can't do laundry. I guess I'll run down to the department store and buy some clean clothes.

Boxers or briefs? I'm thinking a compromise with those new combo boxer-briefs. Color or white? Tees or tanks? Sport or dress? Dayum the decisions. I'll just find an attractive clerk and let her decide. I'm not myself while shopping.

I had the Alpha knocked right out of me by a phone call this evening.........

Wow, can hardly wait to reread this oddness tomorrow.
Be good Americans and good People. If you're new and don't understand any of this, don't worry, it's a sign of normalcy.

There's a glossary of terms in the right sidebar....


Rambling Rose said...

AWESOME! Nice break from doing laundrey - isn't life interesting how things are echoed in the outside world and the inside world at the same time.

K T Cat said...

I love the swimming story! LOL!

Also, I don't get it about the treadmill, either. Even if it's raining you can take a walk.

aA said...

i'm with KT, great swim, especially from this perspective! i hate treadmills, too.

Sounds like your night was better than mine, but your description of the day is the best!