
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Philosophy Night

You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. ~Navajo Proverb

We perceive that the person is asleep. We do not see the reality that she is not.

Each person's reality is not only subject to their individual perceptions, but is actually different.
Mine is definitely askew of yours and quite possibly not even able to be understood, just as I, with my different reality cannot understand yours.

A relatively simple concept, I happen to be color blind. Severely. How can I possibly put into words the reality that I perceive?

You'll attempt, quite naively, to understand by holding up an object and asking, "What color do You see?". I don't have an answer for you. If you could look through my eyes, you would probably see something in the white-gray-black, tinged with red, the only color that I truly see as you do.

Is the beautiful Mrs.P's heart "asleep"? If it is, can I do anything to awaken it? And what if she is simply feigning sleep? Then I surely cannot.

Just as you cannot see my reality, I cannot see yours. And yet our realities are intertwined, never to be totally unraveled.

We are each here, born to our parents, Wed to our spouses for a reason. To understand. But how?

I can't understand a woman that I have lived with for twenty years. Frustrating to finally have my mind freed of its constraints and quite probably not being able to share this new wonder with Her.

Sorry about the rambling, had a bit of conversation with the beautiful Mrs.P that was not very encouraging as to the longevity of our marital relationship. Nothing she sees as bad at all. Too much damage done to a fragile and unforgiving soul.

Well, I don't need her. I'll love her, and if this ends, that Love will fade, but I shall cling to this new and pure form of Love, I think they call it agape' in the Greek, for as long as I am able. She deserves no less.

I can love her in this form, even from the loving bed of another woman.

Think I have to Howl a bit.
Or Hunt. There's always prey to be had, the wolf just needs to sniff it out.

In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti ........

Goodnite. Lotsa thoughts there that should probably be expounded on.
Love someone with all your Soul. But don't Need them.

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